If you are looking for a BQH Session in hypnosis, in which you can communicate with your Higher Self and find answers to your questions, consider a session. First we meet in an interview to discuss what you want to work on. I receive your list of questions. We mutually set an intention and go through a spiritual process for your hypnosis experience. You become relaxed, and in a state that is not asleep but more like a daydream or meditation. In that space, your superconscious or Higher Self, or wisdom council can be accessed with all sorts of valuable understanding. You are taking to the space and time that is of the most value to you for your understanding of what relevant to your life now. You may travel to the Life between Lives time before you incarnated and discover who you soul group members are and what role they are playing. You may see why you incarnated and what purpose you are here for along with why you chose the family and body you have, for example. You will understand karmic lessons that you wish to learn in this lifetime. All sessions are now on available in person or online. It is a process that takes 3 to 3.5 hours, give or take. If you are wanting to be able to receive your own direct intuitive information, consider a hypnosis session. Past and future and concurrent parallel lives are sometimes accessed. Some individuals get cosmic information that is for the benefit of the collective. BQH is a heart and energy-based healing modality. It is a spiritual hypnosis technique that helps a person access the Higher Self, or portion of themself that is the Universal Mind and oneness from where they can receive answers. BQH stand for Beyond Quantum Healing. It is inspired by Dolores Cannon's past life regression therapy QHHT but goes beyond that as a multidimensional way of assisting people in their own self-healing and receiving information that is of benefit to their life. Healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. As a Thai Bodyworker and also an Akashic Reader, I am excited to bring this new modality to my practice for which I have been certified as a facilitator. It can be done in online and in-person sessions.
What is quantum healing? "Beyond Quantum Healing is accessing your own internal wisdom and healing potential through consciousness exploration with the assistance of a BQH facilitator."Candace Craw Goldman, originator of BQH
You may have heard of Dolores Cannon who originated information on Volunteers for New Earth and past life regression plus Quantum Healing. This Modality is based on Dolores's work. She is a well-known prolific author and hypnotherapist who worked with many people and helped them heal.
Micheal Newton is another person who wrote about books. His were about Life Between Lives which were case studies of his hypnotherapy to the experience before this incarnation (between lives) where a person comes to understand what this life is about and much more. We really are souls having a human experience, and spiritual experience which unfolds with this work of BQH and Life Between Lives.
What is the process of booking and having a BQH session? To find out if this modality is right for you, you can look at videos online of sessions and summaries of sessions. I like the Youtube Channels called the Transformotion Channel, Allison Coe and my teacher who originated BQH who is Candace Craw Goldman. You will find many speak of the Event and New Earth. Each BQH session is completely unique to the person and what their intention is. Together we create a mutual intention for your highest benefit, and it will likely unfold perfectly as your Higher Self and you are directing it. You receive information that is tailored to you and your healing, your understanding, or your unraveling of anything that wants that to happen.
You can book a session online with me, or come to my Mt.Shasta office. I do hypnosis sessions in person on Friday, Saturday and Sundays as it is quietest then in my office.
We can schedule the session at our mutual convenience. It is good for you to make 3.5 hours open for the session and for you to integrate afterwords though it may take less time. If you are doing an online session, we will use Zoom or a similar video conferencing program. I will help you with the technology set up. Those with online sessions often feel cozy doing a session in their home, in their very own bed or on the couch. If we were to get cut off there are no worries as we can use the phone as a backup device. The session will be recorded as you will not remember everything that was shared or experienced, which will be valuable later.
I will send you some recording links if you wish to practice to be ready for hypnosis relaxation. You prepare a list of important questions which you want to know the answer which you can bring to me or send via email. You also want to think of a theme in which you want to work on in your life through the session. In the interview portion of the session, we get to know one another informally and I get to know your goals, questions, and we make a mutual intention. I also may ask about the important people in your life so I know their names if they show up in your hypnosis session. I then take you on a relaxing journey with guided medtation in a form that I was taught. Then after that induction, you travel to the perfect place and tell me what you are exprerinecing. We eventually call forth the Higher Self, or wisdom council to answer your specific questions.
Thanks so much, Shivrael Shannon Brophy Certified BQH Practitioner and Certified Life Between Lives Hypnosis Practitioner.