What themes will be present in January?
Time moves quickly with things clicking into place.There is a strong and continuous influx of new light codes. The message is “Be willing to receive.” What themes are present for 2024? Numerology is 8, with 2+0+2+4=8. Thus 2024 is an infinity year as 8 symbolizes infinity. The Akashic records share an image of the infinity symbol of 8 over the crown chakra. Everyone and the Earth herself are opening their crown chakras to receive infinite blessings and light. It is a year of infinite receiving and infinite possibilities. Last year, 2023 may have felt challenging which prepared us for this year. A download about that was that numerologically last year was '23 which was the number of the Great Teacher therefore it offered great lessons. They weren't always fun but they leveled us up for right now! 2024 is also the year of mutually beneficial relationships. What is new for us this year? I see an image of feet jumping over a line, a jump rope that is on the ground. The line for the new year is “made up” but there is a collective energy of endings and new beginnings. The Gregorian is made up but we agreed to agree to it in the game of life. Not only is the calendar made up but time itself is too! We get to decide what we agree to and what we don't. Time is an infinite illusion (that we can choose to play in)! Next is an image of a handheld glow stick being moved around in the infinity shape of an 8, again and again, making trails of light in eights. The message is to "shine the light on infinity." See new possibilities for your life, for the world. Believe. Believe that anything can happen. BE-live=presence and aliveness to the moment. Believe is a keyword that is encoded. What is it encoded with? “Believe” is a word that is encoded with grace. With that, comes an image of a woman taking a deep breath and relaxing. She knows that it is done; that collective dreams are coming true, and infinite possibilities are landing in her field. Her heart is open and she sees infinite possibilities as miracles. Be in the space of the heart and miracles unfold. What can we expect for January? It will go by fast, in the blink of an eye. Writing Your Own Story I see a book representing the Akashic Records. “You are writing the story.” Own your experience, and make up the story of your life as you go. Gold glitter is sprinkled upon a woman reading the story representing divine blessings. Reminder: Focus on what uplifts and makes your heart sing in your story. She picks up an old-fashioned fountain pen and starts writing on blank pages. As you write your own story, you are the main character. You write in all the other characters of the story. How you feel and think about everyone in your life determines 1) if they are in the story and 2)what part they play. Those you see in your life as villains could have been given the script by you! Ultimately you can take responsibility for the movie of your life that you are making up and playing the main character in. You can give the villains different scripts or write them out of the story! Forgiveness allows you to shift how you see the characters in your life. It will shift how they show up. A sequence of events will happen to the collective, and one thing is linked to another. It ultimately causes an unraveling, an undoing of the past. And in this, infinite possibilities arise. The future is less locked in and more free and open. January has a feeling of expansiveness which increases through the month. What do we need to know to glide easily through this month? Be present and respond in the moment to what is in front of you with the quality of presence. Let the mind take a break – it wants to be judgmental but you will move more easily and glide if you show up in neutrality. An image of snow skiing carries the message that some spots are icy, so go slower than usual even if the outer world is going faster. Meditation, rest, contemplation, and taking a break from so much data coming into the mind are highly recommended for self-care or if you feel overwhelmed. The good news is that things that were stuck last month might move forward. What you have been longing for might come together in unexpected ways. Focus on the joy in life, in being and relaxing. You don't need to perfectionist if it is stressing you out. Let some things go while you bask and savor life as much as possible. Maybe it means being inwardly kinder to yourself starting with how you think and speak about yourself. Be ready for your life changing soon, and this is a preparation period. Do you feel it too? Final Messages Light is getting stronger now that it is after the Solstice. There is more light hitting the planet and integrating waves of light. We have crossed a threshold into a new era. Expect change, and it starts from the inside with your inner vision. Can I suggest that you lend a hand to another who is struggling more than yourself if possible? Forgiveness is a big theme right now, and you can find your unique way to do that so that you can feel more free. Alignment on all levels is possible. Welcome to a quantum field of infinite possibilities from which miracles can occur. May you be in a state of grace, receiving all the goodness that is meant for you, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive