, As I enter the akashic records for the collective at this time, an image of a bird flying over a lake appears. The idea is that if you can fly over and witness the dream underneath, which is merely a reflection of your personal consciousness, you don't go under. You stay moving and of a higher perspective. You are bridging your human perspective with a divine perspective that is less subjective, more neutral, and more detached. Spiritual mastery is detachment to the substance of the dream and observing. I see an anatomical chart with arrows and lines like a diagram that is connecting the mind to the heart. The heart is lit up in this picture. An image of a lightbulb shaped cartoon heart appears, which is cheesy, but gets the point across to my consciousness receiving this transmission. The point is this: The more the heart tinges the thoughts with light, the less you get into mental analysis. Mental analysis comes when you start thinking about what is true or not, when you are triggered by another's opinion that you disagree with. Go back to being the white bird flying over the lake. You are witnessing the dream but not caught up in it. Under the water are emotional depths and you may have been pulled into those currents in the past month, but now you have the potential of observing. Notice when a thought arises that wants to hook you. When you get hooked by a thought, you get taken down emotionally into the depths. Sometimes that is necessary- it is clearing our shadow and the dregs of our past traumas to explore and work through emotions. This month there is an ability to have the divisive thought, simply tinge the thought with the light of your heart and keep flying over the dream reflection of your consciousness. Your heart lights up and tinges each thought and opposite thoughts with the love that you are, and they melt in the oneness within you. You hold an energetic field of neutrality which keeps you in flight and keeps you moving through life. Noticing, honoring the thoughts and the view but staying in the higher perspective. Another way of putting it is as the great poet Rumi does: 'Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there. This new level is at the same time something to celebrate and something to practice. In this time you will have plenty of opportunities because there is chaos in the world yet you are neutralizing the chaos by projecting the peace of your consciousness upon your personal dream. We are playing with empowerment and disempowerment as a theme. It may seem that there is much control of our will and a feeling of defeat right now. From the soul perspective, it is quite different. One of my BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) clients asked a question that was valuable in a recent session. His question was: Can you give me more information about the coming astrological alignment happening this coming Solstice on December 21st, 2020? Right now is a culmination of lifetimes of working through being disempowered and held back on planet earth. From a soul level, the collective is learning so much. Each time we feel disempowered from this recent time in history, the last few months, we are moving forward which will be felt and culminate as empowerment on that date. This will not be felt by the average person necessarily but by those who have been doing their spiritual work. Suddenly all the trials you have gone through will dissipate and seem worth it and you will move forward. The image that came to me upon hearing this is that a large rubber band is pulled back by a collective of people and it is released and catapulting forward on that date of December 21st this year. That is only 5 months away! He also used the word "victory" to describe what that date feels like along with being a pivotal time. We are doing our work inside and making it through these months that culminate in a pivotal time to come which is December 21. Indeed, we are in that pivotal time and you probably feel this down to your core as truth. I got truth chills hearing him describe this. I know that collective and personal healing is happening. I know that the depths of deep emotions have come up for most everyone. In the coming days, we will keep having some emotional ups and downs. It is old trauma from us and our lineage being washed away in the lake of our consciousness. Keep feeling, observing, and breathing into the feelings. Observe the thoughts while you remember the free soaring of the bird in flight. A question to ponder now is: How free can we feel with the limitations placed on our lives? How can we find the liberation within and not be triggered by the outer representations of that disempowerment by outside forces? Another image comes to mind which is of a tree trunk's circles but in this case, the circles are showing this area where we are in time compression. it is dark and different in this pivotal time. The tree rings are squished together and there is much density. It shows that every day, a year's worth of soul growth is taking place for every one of us. Each day stuff comes up to deal and it might have amplified fear, sadness, jealousy, anger, scarcity, discouragement, or lack of self-worth. Each day we are breathing through what presents and it is presenting for this day and as a reminder and placeholder for other times in our lives, we felt that way. Powerlessness to empowerment is the overriding theme that we feel as a spectrum of emotions. It is the overlay - how do we choose to feel empowered given the limitations that seem to be there in the outer dream (ie reality we walk in?) The image of the circles shows that the soul growth and emotions are very compressed for as much evolution as possible in a short time. For you old souls, this is an initiation at the same time as a graduation. This is a time to apply our mastery. What markers do we have with dates coming up? As far as time goes, this reading applies to July 22 to August 18 of 2020, which is a moon cycle. We have just had a New Moon on July 20 which has begun a new cycle. We move from Cancer to Sun in Leo tomorrow which changes the energy to a heart-based, and more outward socially interactive and fire energy. Today and previously we were in feminine, nurturing, home-loving, and emotional Cancer. Today is Mary Magdelene's feast day reminding us of the feminine principle of the Christ consciousness energy. It is also the opening of a portal of light that goes through August 8, or 8/8 the Lion's Gate. The portal activates our divinity. The Lion's Gate connects to ancient Egypt and an alignment of Earth with the Star Sirius. Sirius brings a feeling of abundance and fertility as is this time. The Leo energy is heart energy which is love and sharing. We are also reminded to be in our hearts which is a Leo aspect. Lammas is the ancient festival of harvest which occurs on August 1. This is halfway between the Solstice and Equinox. It feels like time is moving so fast as it seems the Summer solstice just happened, to me, anyway. Hang onto Your Hats Get ready for even more time acceleration and don't judge how much you get done in a day. Your spiritual evolution is the main thing happening and that is not as physically tangible as doing things in the physical world but it is the most important. Your emotional processing and rising again and again to the higher perspective is what matters most of all. Lammas is celebrating the harvest, the abundance of food, and this year with so many people gardening there is sure to be abundance. We have been facing issues of "having enough" whether being money or resources such as food in the last few months and this time will bring assurance that we are indeed abundant. Expect unexpected abundance to show up. Remember the giving and receiving of the universe so share what you have, and also be willing to receive what another offers with gratitude. Other auspicious dates are August 3, the Full Moon, and August 18 the next New Moon. As this month is mostly in a Leo Sun, expect massive time acceleration. It will be fall equinox before we know it. Each day is packed with so much energetic movement which is evolution. There truly is a feeling of being in flight and picking up speed as we go and get our wings, like the bird in the image and also like being the bird tribe of angels on Earth. In the past months, we have planted seeds of spiritual growth through adversity. Our garden is coming to fruition and we receive the fruits of that harvest. It might look like greater spiritual mastery. Maybe we can fly above in the higher perspective, bridging heaven and earth. Maybe we can project a consciousness, as we are in flight, of a lake that is still and without ripples as a very clear mirror of who we really are. See Source Creator shining down on us and it is reflected in our likeness as we fly. Source and us have become one. Look for moments when you feel this oneness with Source, with all of creation. You are a white bird flying over the dream of you. With love and abundant blessings Shivrael The Akashic Intuitive BQH practitioner and Akashic Reader