This akashic energy update is for the period from 11/11 through the Solstice, the time of the dark coming to light. It is 11/11 is considered the most magnificent portal day of the year when blissful cosmic energies pour into Mother Earth to raise the vibration of the planet. The feeling might be a sense of being in divine union with Source, and at a zero point place of neutrality in your heart. Carry that with you for the rest of this month. The energetics of this time is helping us to get ready for the Solstice. The December 21st energies will be profound, especially for the energetically sensitive among you. Last month felt like it was about completion, and also cleansing and clearing away from anything that we didn't need to be attached to anymore. We have had some time to reflect, review, go within, and now this blast of cosmic energy is taking us to the next level if we choose to accept. I can see the higher selves of most everyone on the planet nodding their etheric heads and affirming "YES, I choose to accept." Still In Limbo but about to Rocket Forward We are still in a limbo state, awaiting completion of one phase. Some of you may feel detached from this reality. The energy lately may have created some inner urgency to do things yet there is a challenge to focus on one thing at a time and get it done. The fire, focus, and motivation to get it done isn't there yet, but you are raring to go which is to create something new which you have envisioned. The energy right now is a time for inspiration, downloads, and knowing what you want to create or co-create. Some of you will start creating things that others will join you. I am seeing all "hands on deck" in the creation of New Earth. Some of you are bringing new things to the planet that you have waited your whole life to share but the planet wasn't ready for it. It wasn't at a high enough vibration. You will be free to share what you have to offer and what it is will become more clear as your divine purpose is activated, which is very exciting. It is almost your time. Releasing Vows As a process of being about to share your gifts with the world, some inner work might need to happen. Some of you may be releasing vows of not being seen or vows of not being heard, and you are coming into the limelight soon. You are working through past and current life scenarios in which you were shut down for speaking your truth. Let this current energy blast open your throat chakra so you may share your gifts with the world. The New Earth will need people to work together to make life better for others. It will need humanitarian workers. In the meantime, we have been moving toward this, but in the coming year, it will begin full throttle in a more organized way. Many of you are experimenting with the new economy, by expressing the generosity of your beautiful hearts. New ways of trading, bartering, and gifting are showing up. Abundance frequency is rising and new frequencies will bring people to sharing the abundance even more, plus feeling a sense of peace about what they have and how they are always taken care of. May all beings be free, happy, and abundant and have everything they need. Hold your vision of the New Earth, what it looks and feels like in this time. You could see the loving and caring energy as the resurgence of the divine feminine in everyone. Humanitarian actions bring people of the world to a level playing field, making sure all are safe and nourished, especially those who need help like children and elders. Aquarian age is upon us with the work to help everyone with humanitarian action. We are here to serve one another. Let's move into what is coming from now until the Solstice: Mars has been retrograde and finally goes direct on Friday, November 13th. Projects that you have envisioned or started might move forward after then. We will feel a sense of relief and also some forward momentum. Radical changes in the world also pick up, so hold onto your hats after all this waiting for it to happen. The next day is the New Moon, on November 14th which is at 9:07 pm Pacific Time. The Sun, Moon, and Mercury are all in Scorpio at this time, so it may feel intense. The moments just after the new moon time is a good moment to write down and make intentions of what you want to bring in or grow in the coming cycle as the moon grows in light. What is your prayer for your life? What is your prayer for those you love? What is your prayer for your world? I am seeing the planting of tiny seeds, even though it is the beginning of the darkest and coldest time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. The magical ingredient for our intentions is faith. We plant tiny seeds, and with our love and intention, they grow to something bigger. Meanwhile, your heart coherence and connection with one another in your meditation and in interacting with one another means that a field of possibilities, the field of miracles, exists. Bring your faith, your love, to your intentions. The energy continues to be a time of going into the dark, the feminine void within which is also intuitive. There may be sudden insights that arise in this time of inspiration. The insights seem to come from nowhere but they are because you are connected to Source itself while tuning into the greater field of miracles. Pay good attention to what insights you have and continue to take time to be, and to meditate. Be mindful to avoid receiving too much information or input from other sources outside yourself as it will block your ability to tune into your own heart. Solstice brings hope and the return of the light, in a little over a month from now. At this time, we take good care of ourselves while we go through this spiritual initiation which is a bit like going through the eye of the needle. The world can be swirling around you and have lots of distractions and opinions. You don't have to take those in necessarily. You are the gatekeeper of what you consume and remember that what you listen to, look at, or interact with is vibrational "food." Consume high vibrational content, and the best highest vibration is your own beautiful heart. Perhaps that is silence, or beautiful music, or the sound of a river. We continue as a collective to slog through an uphill battle, that is like a long journey with cold and very muddy as we trek up a mountain. We thought we would be through it awhile ago. We keep walking. Take your time, rest when you need to, eat and nourish yourself and your soul. When you are having trouble, remember these words and let them inspire faith that the light is coming. I AM supported. I AM loved. I AM supposed to be here. Your soul plan wanted you to be here for this journey which is constantly shifting. We won't be in this limbo for much longer. This month we start to see some action, finally. It is like this - the changes have been happening in the etheric layers, in the energetic and now the physical world will begin to show how change is really upon us. Between the two new moons is the full moon which is on November 30, with the sun in Sagittarius, the moon in Gemini, and Mercury in Scorpio. This feels like the warrior energy that we need to keep going, to burn away what no longer serves as we and our world transform into something new. The burning is an energetic purification of our energy field while we move full-tilt forward to the magical Solstice. The New Moon on December 14th begins a portal of high energy as we prepare for Solstice on the 21st. For the Solstice, I am seeing an image of being at the top of a mountain and seeing the sunrise peek up over the horizon. We are together and holding hands. At and after the solstice looks like a time of coming together with others, which will be good news to all of you who have endured isolation. We are getting through to the other side and there will be the reunification of friends, new and old, that we connect with on the other side of this event. Crossing the River An image of a boat crossing to the other side is appearing which is what we have to do. We have to cross to the other side of our own inner depths. The river is also emotions and change in our lives. The cosmic energies give us the power to row the boat and put wind in our sails. This month feels adventurous, like the past several weeks have been. Exciting twists and turns in the story will happen, which are merely projections from each of our minds, happen as we cross the wide, wide river. When we are on the other side, which feels like late 2020 and early 2021, we will be high fiving each other, and knowing it was all a movie. We might even be laughing though that is hard to imagine now. The light was always going to return, the sun rising, the days getting longer. The light was always going to return to our planet which is why you came here. Hold that seed of truth, if it resonates with you, for the coming month as we await the expansive moment of December 21st to occur. Thank you for reading and tuning in. I am always fascinated by how others are experiencing the energies, and what you are feeling is coming, so feel free to share. Luminous blessings of love and light, Shivrael Akashic Intuitive website BQH Practioner Quantum Intuitive training Human Design I leave you a video to celebrate the return of light- Enjoy! Light is Returning by Charlie Murphy & Jamie Sieber
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