Attribution: Kristin Miller Quilts The Fae'rea want to speak. They see you as colors, who are spreading your unique colors, which are frequencies from the heart. I see a spiral a dance of the energies coming from the heart. I see this touching people all over the world as we are a world community, all connected. I see hands touching the hands of others. We do this for one another. We make love expand from one another, heart to heart , like lines of telepathy. Telepathy is movement of frequencial energy that touches one another. On these waves, the messages are carried from heart to heart and read by a heart. It is an aspect of our new operating system to interpret vibration, though your upbringing is to ignore the information coming in. It is there and it is possible to send and receive from one another. You do this always. The Fae'rea say to be in receiving mode like an antenna downloading from one another. We are one big family, and that includes the seen and unseen ones. All that you see and interact with want to connect with you. Those in the world that inhabit want to show you synchronicity and guide you. They are from the animal and plant realms, the angelic kingdom, the galactic family of light, the devas and elemental kingdom, and of course, the Fairy realms and the light orb world on your earth and beyond. All things are here communicating with you, and you with them, through your frequency band. The Fae'rae say to be on the wavelength of joy. Nothing is more important than this and in this as your enhanced superpowers come in. Do what makes you smile and makes you laugh and have a good time. How about enjoying dance. music, reading, enjoying a good conversation? Being in the sun? How about not working except for what excites you and gets you in the flow. Be in meditation- let it be about enjoying silence. We see you slacking, resting dreaming and imagining. We see you going to the seashore. You are going to the forest or going to a cafe, walking through town, or looking at stars. Life wants to greet you and meet you and guide you. Life wants to laugh through you. Your soul wants to experience the joy of physicality through you, human. You are light. You are not a human only, and especially not limited to being a human in a body. You are much more. Human is your expression of the soul star collective energy you are from. The soul group you come from has a special essence that you brought here to earth. You share that light in your smile and in your tears, and in your expression here on earth and it is changing the earth into something that is light. Earth is becoming something that is a living, vibrant being moving into a new expression like you are as well. You are magnetic and crystalline. You communicate with your blood which has a frequency emitted from your whole body. You receive from the stars, into your blood's crystals and translate that into who you are on this planet. When you feel joy most, when you feel resonance of the blood, a bodily sensation, that is a clue. That sensation is in resonance with the stars from whence you came. You are here to shine, to be the light. You are here to have peace in your heart and reflect the light of your soul while you are in a body. You are love. You are love's expression. You are love expressing. We are you and we are forever connected to you and here to raise you up. In doing so, we raise everyone and everything up, and in this, we all enjoy being raised up. Nothing is outside of the one that we are. Thank you. Fae'rea, can you speak to us of telepathy? We hear your question- how can I have this in a modern world? You experience telepathy just by tuning in. The information is there, all around you. All things and beings wanting to communicate with you. It is available on the nonphysical wavelength and you have the capacity to read this. In your reality, you have been untrained in listening, yet this skill is innate in all beings, human and beyond humans. Your friend the dog, a bird, and a flower know how to do this. A baby does until you train him to selectively tune it out, to tune out the other information and pay attention only to the physically tangible ones in which you are accustomed.. Month of Change At this time, you are in the midst of change and the change is your greater perception of your universe, the wholeness. You are able to see your connection to all. Polarities are collapsing, duality is collapsing and the outer world looks confusing and harsh in this process. Yes- it is what we have waited for -the blurring of lines, the melting of forms. It is now chaos becoming more chaotic until it falls into a new fractal order of beauty. Trust in the becoming. Do not judge the work of art that you are in the midst of painting. Your are living is the art creation that is constantly transforming inside of you and the outside of you. Perhaps you feel the intensity. You feel the changes. You are no longer putting up with some things you did a month ago. You are setting boundaries. You are walking away from what no longer serves you and the highest good. The highest good, divine will and your own will are becoming one. You are congruent with your divine purpose but it may feel like a gradual surrendering and letting go of identity. You are also walking toward your new life, the new crystalline order. You are leaving the form and walking into formless. You are being reshaped. You are brave and honored for your service. We are seeing change, beloveds. We are with you. We are praying for the transformation and it is happening in front of our eyes and yours. The quantumness is in the observation of seeing change, by seeing positive change because you expect it and look for it. Change is created in the quantumness of your reality as you know it is there. It is prophesied. it is what you have felt and known was coming and is here. Welcome to the Aquarian Age. What should we expect this month, Fae'rea? Expect the unexpected. Expect quantum melting of your realities. Expect a hallucinogenic multicolor multidimensional meltdown of reality. It is being reformed. Timelines are being melted like liquid plastic in many colors and wrapping around one amother. Time is turning in on itself. The now just got wider and expanded to include more. Each time you fall into the moment, you have a quantum effect. You melt time in the space of now. You open possibilities. You create wormholes for others to pass through as you are the leaders of the quantum pack, the time travelers, the magicians, the multidimensional travelers and merry band of lightworkers. You change and shift reality by being in presence and joy and acceptance as you loose your moorings temporarily. This month is free fall through space. It is sometimes scary. It is sometimes taking you to say “no” to realities you accepted previously. Anyone moving out of jobs or relationships? What was acceptable before the recent Aries full moon on September 29th, may no longer be. Expanding into Freedom Each time you step toward your own authentic self, you break the box of your containment and expand into freedom. You notice that you can be brave in moments, have all sorts of emotions pass through, and that there is extreme satisfaction and delight available when you just "are." Notice more moments of bliss and lots of change. Take a picture of who you think you are in this moment and refer back to that picture at the end of the month. We think you may not believe how different you will become, and are becoming each moment. The outer world is reflecting it too. What can we do to cope this month, with all the change going on, Fae'rea? Breathe. Intentionally breathe. Intentionally be. Be the I AM that you are. Do what is self nurturing and fun. Allow those who you relate to, to be the ones who show up and are on your wavelength. You might have to discern who is uplifting, and not conform to them, but let them come to you and rise to your wavelength. Invite those who uplift you into your realm when you discern they are a match. And in the meantime, love everyone even if from a distance. Surf synchronistic invitations of the universe. Be drawn what nurtures you and feeds your soul. Hear your own inner voice. Be in the place of stillness while everything swirls around you. Massive time acceleration feels like it is happening but in the center is your own place of stillness. Be the still center and you are a beacon for others. Be one who marches to the happy beat of your own inner drum, your heart, and you are fine. Know your connection with everyone and everything in the singularity and feel it. Play with communication beyond words. Be in receiving mode - for information, for guidance, and for abundance and of course, love. We are senders and receivers of love and it is what you are. Trust your heart, your intuition but do not trust your mind to make decisions solely. We are beyond logic and rationality. It exists as a tool among many other tools of perception and decision making. We are changing so that these other intuitions are coming to the fore. Your awareness expansion is the gift, and the expansion of you in to a new way of being. Many blessings and infinite love from the Fae'rea. Who are the Fae'rea? ~The Fae'rea are a playful collective of guides that have come through. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Thanks for reading! - Shannon Luminance River
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