We offer this energy update from the Akashic Records with love. We begin with what energy we have been in and then where we are going. October 10 was the 10/10 ,portal of powerfully felt divine energy. Themes were sleeplessness for some with the blasts of high vibrational photonic energy coming in. We have been hitting a sense of greater surrender which could be called soul surrender because it is so deep. The current energy has us doing the inner work and revisiting old memories and healing them. We release and clear them and we bring forgiveness to ourselves and to others we may have harmed. We dedicate ourselves to more harmlessness with greater kindness as we do this. We also make inner space. In the inner space, which is the calm center within, we deepen our trust in what is coming. Thoughts of trust and surrender arise. Space for self-actualization, being the person we aspire to be, is easier. Habits we don't need to have can be seen and let go of in this time. We can focus on our inner healing, our clearing away the past, and also what we want to be doing in our lives. It comes from the blank slate we are creating from the inner work and from our prayers. Do you feel a sense of completion of a chapter or even something bigger than a chapter? Now it has been feeling like we are hanging out with this completion energy, having been there and done that, experienced everything and now we are waiting and wondering. This phase, which can be called “hurry up and wait” makes us feel impatient as we await the next happening, or new formation of what is to come. The new formation would be how the old disintegrates, as a metaphor. I see little pixel pieces of a movie coming apart and clear blue sky underneath. The pieces are falling away and they represent everything we are attached to that is us, our personality, life story, history, role we play. Anything that we have taken on and now we let it go as we find the core of light inside us that we are, our true essence. First, today 10/16 is the New Moon. What is your new moon intention for this cycle? Please take a little time to consider this. Now that you have tuned into your intention, let me share what has come through in the akashic records about what more is coming. Cleansing and Clearing: A Big Theme Everything this month is about cleansing, clearing, and releasing. The cleansing and clearing wipes away the old cobwebs in our lives. We may feel this energy of letting go that will manifest in our inner work with ourselves and our homes and our lives. This is the disintegration time, the time of chaos when we take stock of what needs to go. Are you seeing old beliefs and old programs? We see what is not working, what does not serve the highest good for ourselves and the greater good and we let it go. We are being stripped bare by our greater wisdom, by Source itself. Inside you is that calm place that knows, knows what to hold onto and it will always be in resonance with love. That is because Love is who you truly are. Inner work is big in the weeks to come, and has already begun. There is much sifting and sorting. Your own intuition is there to guide you and show you what to let go of, and how to let go. The Beauty of Simplicity Ultimately this will create more order and more beauty and joy and space in your life. It may look like a mess when you are going through it though, at times. We are making more simplicity in who we are and how we process the world. We are seeing underneath things, to the truth that has been hidden so long. Our hearts are the barometers of truth. We feel truth through our hearts in a way that our mind doesn't get. More and more the heart and intuition become stronger and we just know. It is up to us to seek and find the truth which could be called truth force, or truth insistence, which is also Satyagraha, a Sanskrit word. Satyagraha is holding firmly to truth. The clearing and cleansing this coming time is about letting go of how our mind distracts us from our knowing. Also the information presented in the outer world needs us to go within to discern what is true for us in the moment. The inward journey can give us courage to claim what is true for us beyond what everyone else is telling us. Letting go of anything we are attached to is part of this energy that is showing up already people's lives. Receiving Inspiration An image of a laser beam coming down has a meaning that is unexpected when I decode it. In this case, it means that each of us is connected to Source. We are called to have that vertical connection, to be in our sovereign energy field. Source will show us, when we surrender, how to do our unique inner work. What to let go of and how can we do that? Source shows us. Remember the power of prayer to assist your life, the lives of those suffering, and the Mother Earth herself. Call forth your light to be activated by the light of Source coming into your crown – this is the vertical connection. You are less connected to individuals and more on your own path with the divine. Allow yourself to be inspired when you take time to go within and contemplate. Hand over your concerns and worries to source. Ask for healing of you, and ask for the balance and clearing and full alignment of your energy bodies which are the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies in and around you. Balance is a theme, and finding your balance in the potentially outwardly chaotic month this is is more important than ever. An Invitation: Will You Anchor Light for the Collective? The end of the month of October may bring more chaos. Hold the light on the full moon with your meditation and prayers for the collective to shift to higher light and heart coherence. This is also Halloween on October 31st, and when the veils are thinnest. It might be an energy intensive day too, so take care of yourself this day. Bring more light to the world around this time by being you, being with your vertical connection, surrendered and holding the light of Source within. Continue through the following week. The first week of November may be chaotic but hold the optimism and hope, and heart coherence. Balance is key- you hold this space for yourself and all beings on Earth at this time from October 31 to November 10th or so.. After that, it should become more calm in the world. If there are group meditations that anchor peace, love and light, that you hear of, please join them. If not, just do your personal practice of holding the light and maintaining a vertical connection with Source and your higher self at this time. We need your help, holders of light, to shift the planet and hold the light. Be a lighthouse! Overall, this coming cycle will be a time of your inner work, and you will get out of your thoughts and more in your heart. You are the master of your life, so listen to your own intuition as to how to do the inner work for yourself. Do what makes you feel better and in the space of the heart. Is it music that you love? Music heals and changes your vibration when you listen to what you enjoy. Use music as a frequency shifting tool. We are energy beings and this cycle is a time to know yourself as energy and as a frequency. Astrology shows us that Mercury is now retrograde until November 3, so now is a time to review and revisit the past. Much healing can come from this, and you can take time to slow down from your usual pace. Your intuition allows you to validate what you already know on a soul level. Trust yourself. Go beyond words to the energy being that you are, and receive knowing that way. In the Northern Hemisphere, we are going through the darkest time of the year which has the least sunlight until the Winter Solstice comes. The light returns then as does hope. In the meantime, we go into our own darkness and generate our own light within. It is a time of learning and growth, surrender and trust. There is so much unconditional love and support here for you. Hand over whatever is challenging you to source, and find strength, hope, and trust. Good things are coming and let yourself ride the wave of awakening, expansion and evolution that we are going through together. Wishing you so many blessings and a wonderful moon cycle of change, Shivrael Akashic Intuitive Akashic Readings, BQH Hypnosis, Human Design PS I am always grateful for reflections from others as to what they are experiencing and seeing.