Upon tuning into the energies of the New Earth, after the recent Lunar Eclipse, on Easter; we hosting the webinar Birthing the New Earth: Making Life Sacred Again felt birthing, fertility and planting energy. We know we are all here to bring New Earth to the planet as a reality. What was shown was to, within meditation; taste it, touch it, smell it and experience it in imagination. To feel the essence of it, and also to see what is you doing what you love. What you see yourself doing? How are you being, with yourself? What do you really love to experience? How about tuning into that, seeing and feeling what makes your heart sing? You can also see yourself with others, loving people, and what you do together. This anchors into form, the New Earth. It will come into existence as we first imagine, feel and see and live it within us. Today, being a day of introspection in the Mayan Calendar amplifies that energy. It is 8 Cib, which is harmony and infinity. It is about bringing the wisdom of the ancients through while going within. Let us bring the dream of the New Earth for ourselves through as we feel into expressions of our greatest joy. We are called to bring forth the feeling, spend time daydreaming what truly makes us excited to be here on the planet. Now take that, and allow a message to come through about it. And the next step is to take a step in the direction of that experience. Move toward the essence of it. In the day we have infinite imagination possible. In the Mayan Dreamspell, which takes us to higher dimensional experiencing and synchronicity, it is Blue Electric Night. I activate in order to dream Bonding Intuition I seal the input of abundance With the electric tone of service I am guided by the power of accomplishment The day (and every day in the Dreamspell Calendar) has the frequencies mentioned being transmitted from the cosmos, from the Galactic Center. Flowing with intuition, dreaming the life we wish to live, know resonant co-creators will come.It is the time of taking a step toward living our highest potential expressions. We can call forth a joyful and abundant life for ourselves and all beings. Within the visioning of New Earth, I see pockets of resonant beings which are love pods that will make up the cities of light. The webinar mentions that as well. The New Earth, as I see it, involves everyone living their highest joy and passion and in this it is in service to others. Today has the electric tone of service, so it is part of the dreaming into being, and taking steps toward the accomplishment of walking toward the essence of our dreams to actualize them. It is not selfish to want to live in joy, bliss, and abundance if we want to all create a world like this for everyone. The New Earth requires that we live this way bringing play and fun to our life. Every person stepping out of the matrix and into living their dream within the larger dream, is assisting. In the webinar, new Divine Blueprints were anchored for the New Earth and ourselves. I was reminded how we this whole reality is a hologram of light as are our bodies. The new templates actually change the hologram, so there is something important there, and all who do so are bringing it. Add imagination and taking action to the mix, and we have potent fertilization of these seeds for birthing the New Earth. Thanks for allowing me to share and to those who participated in the webinar experience, as well as those listening after the fact. We are collectively bringing the New Earth into existence. Please share anything that you are seeing or experiencing. Many blessings and so much gratitude Shivrael Shannon Luminance River Here is a sound file of the webinar if you wish to listen.
I love the idea of a marriage within the body, a marriage of the self. It goes way beyond self-love. My friend described it as sacred marriage of self-awareness with the body. It is the multi-dimensional union of streams of self coming into the body. The body is the very essential in the process! It is the vessel, the anchor, the vehicle, the experiencer. It is what ties it all together. We could not do this multidimensional experiencing and anchoring multiple streams of ourselves without it. By multidimensional streams of self, I mean aspects of who we are. They may be happening in other dimensions. They may be past or future, though all is concurrent. There are different levels of ourselves that have different ways of experiencing the us that is us. On earth, we are hidden behind the veil but coming out of that. Marriage of the self, multidimensional self, also called divine union is the coming into knowing yourself beyond the veil. The veil makes most people think they are the physical body disconnected from other aspects, the higher self and oversoul, and creator source. Another aspect of us has more access to our soul, to our knowing beyond the veil, the bigger picture. It is interesting to see how the non-physical aspects may have more knowing of the physical body human perpective. But when the These aspects are all communicating with one another! That is how we sometimes have knowing beyond what our mind knows. We access skills and frequencies from these other aspects. They receive from us and we receive from them, as a two way street. A communion. A communion is a coming into union. Grateful for the sharing from Sabrina Brightstar, sharing this information with me which really resonates within. What about synchronicity? Synchronicity is an really something more amazing than mere coincidence. Many of us love it when synchronicity happens. I love it, and it shows me when I am in the flow. I take it as massive good luck. From Wikipedia, to explain what synchronicity is: Synchronicity is the occurrence of two or more events that appear to be meaningfully related but not causally related. Synchronicity holds that such events are "meaningful coincidences". The concept of synchronicity was first defined by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, in the 1920s.Synchronicity is a "acausal connecting (togetherness) principle," "meaningful coincidence," and "acausal parallelism." Synchronicity implies that, just as events may be connected by causality, they may also be connected by meaning. Events connected by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of causality. From the perspective of multidimensional which is having different aspects or selves existing in different places and realities. Our psychic skills tap into the feeling and knowing of those other aspects. Sabrina was describing the synchronicity as correspondence, like a two-way communication between aspects of selves. It is bringing in the full knowing from other realities. It is one aspect communicating their perspective through impression or feeling to another aspect, that which is anchored in the human body. The aspect in another place gets to experience this aspect too, and receive knowing from the human self. Even if we are behind the veil for the most part, just becoming multi-dimensional, it is like we tie in all these aspects, as the a hub, as I see it. It "lands" or the information lands and is translated through the body. Most of the time we are not even aware of it as this! Synchronicity is getting big in the popular culture. Now synchronicity can expand to an even bigger presence and understanding of what it really is. I watched a movie in a theatre and notices how multidimensional they were in the themes shown in trailers. I was struck by two new movies as coming attractions that have past/concurrent life themes as if the characters were existing in other realities. One showed a couple that had a different life going on concurrently in the movie, with a similar theme of love and loss. The first movie that made a big impressionm about the past life theme was Cloud Atlas. Time Travel has been showing up in movies, along with people who stop aging and are immortal. In a way, your multidimensionality allows you to know yourself as eternal and immortal. It becomes obvious that you always were, always are and always will be. Remembering past lives and tapping into your future self through multidimensionalality lets you move to into past, future, from the present. At least, we bring through the frequency and essence of these lives if not discrete memories.We are starting to live the magic! Movies are bringing multidimensionality into the mainstream and are a reflection of what many are experiencing. The synchronicity is that this song is playing right now, so I share the words. Herald the Dawn, song by Murray Kyle, Oh precious soul, we not take you for granted Honour the seed that we planted Cherish the wisdom that flows from you into this life (precious this life) Oh precious life we not take you for granted Cherish the treasure that we have been handed the wonder of life, that has always been, always been here Come hold it near, ever more to the flame of this soul on its journey wrapped in the cycle of all that is turning Traveling back down the pathway you’ve taken Behold, into the all unfold May you be blessed with deep marriage of body with divine, holding all of your magnificent multidimensional self! Our existence is an experiment in consciousness. We are here playing with thought forms, beliefs, emotions, and having unique experiences. We, as threads of the creator, are having unique perspectives of our story which is continuously being created by us. We are all of creation and we are a unique thread within creation. Our personality gives us a character to play out, the flavor of who we are and who we see ourselves to be. That is so each of us as unique soul fractals, born with different filters, could play together and bring our unique essence to the grand play here on earth. We are learning how it all works. Our whole lifetime is an experiment. It is an experiment of following logic and making decisions through our mind. How does that work for us? It is of following our gut sense and also our heart to make decisions. It is listening to other people to make our decisions. There is no wrong or right way. It is something we own. We have a unique gift. We are a precious part of the grand design, a special puzzle piece to all of creation. A paradox is that we are infinitely important for our uniqueness, yet also infinitely unimportant. The life journey is to elicit the gift we are on earth and also for us to live the experience of our life. Creation continues without us and we come back in another form, with the same uniqueness that we are, the same flavor of love.
The experiment, called our life, is something to take complete responsibility for in how we have lived it. In that we step out of any traces of victimhood. We can find out what works for us as this unique thread that we are. We respond as ourselves, our true authentic selves from the responsibility taken. Within the stream of our life flow, our journey in this lifetime, we come across other characters to play with and co-create with. It elicits learning and growth, sometimes joy and sorrow. It deepens and enriches the experiment as we are not here to do it alone. This cast of characters, our friends and family and acquaintances, are here to mirror who we are and read scripts that our higher self has given them. Sometimes these scripts are not what we want to hear or experience and take us to our greatest difficulties to unravel. The closest friends and family sometimes give us the most challenge. Have you noticed this? These beloveds also co-create the most precious experiences, as well. The experiment is to remember it is all love, all that we do is to remember ourselves as love and express the love that we are. The experiment is to see it as a grand play, a movie, down here on earth. Meanwhile, we recall our oneness, that we are all different expressions of the same being. The movie we are playing in, called our life, challenges us to remember the oneness. It is all play, or Lila, a Hindu word meaning divine play. It is to remember to not take any of it seriously. It is to remember the love that is behind everything and the whole universe supports our growth and our existence. The remembrance of oneness and connection with all that is, while being our unique special self; playing this character on earth is what the journey is about. May we each know and love ourselves, and also love one another as ourselves, and so it is. |