How can we create perfect health from the inside out. First, see your body in perfection. See your body as a collective of cells, a collective of collectives called organs and systems. See you as the director of all, the totality of trillions of little cells all working together in harmony for you to experience the bliss of this reality along with the spectrum of emotions and experiences offered here. For healing, how about you speak to your cells, you communicate with them? See them as sentient beings, as miniature Buddhas. You can command the perfection of your cells and see only that. I AM perfection. I AM perfect in design. These are affirmations to use. Feel the assurance, the truth that underneath whatever you are temporarily experience there is the memory of complete health and harmony. I AM divine perfection. I AM radiance. I AM well-being. I AM health. Your divine blueprint carries the memory of all of this and you can call in your divine blueprint to every cell. Then every organ, then your whole being. I AM whole. I AM perfection. Next Step, Bring in Alignment I know some meditations that help me be in alignment that are for ascension. I would like to share them, and I like to share the idea that we are bringing in the cells into full alignment as well as our human body. I would like to share that all of our fractal parts are one with us, as we are all fractals of a greater body as individuals and in unity. "Happy, WHoly Harmonization" These words come when I think of cells feeling good and how important it is to feel good as a whole making a contribution to the greater whole. We can bring this planet into harmony if we are willing to do this in ourselves first. The others won't come if we preach it to them.They are not interested if we debate it. They will join us if we exemplify it, and they feel our well being and they entrain to it. Be the harmony, be the peace, be the bliss. Really it is being in service to follow your bliss. Those reading this are the templaters of blissful cells and blissful unification within, and among all beings. Bringing it down to a cellular level of harmony is this. It is to command it with intent. It is to know the harmony and perfection you are and see it regardless of what is presenting in on the physical plane. All that is created is first created in the etheric, or the non-physical reality. Our visualizing, stating and seeing and feeling the divine perfection within makes it real as in experienced. It is a natural progression. Heart Attunement Meditation as you are divine perfection. I am honored to be a reminder to you of this truth. What if we worked with the alignment of each cell, bringing in divine pure love? I will share how to callibrate, or should I say "cellibrate" your cells. Meditation takes it further. The Heart Attunement Meditation: Imagine there is a radio dial in which you can fine tune by putting your hand on the dial. However, imagine that you are tuning your heart to the purest love possible. Feel that, and feel yourself being attuned simply via your asking. You can then do this for the heart of each of your cells and then your organs and body systems. Attune to the purest love. Feel a shift and feel a new frequency and aliveness come in. Since you are connected to the earth, you can tune the heart of earth to the purest love possible. You can ask to be tuned to the heart of God, with this most pure love and ask the heart of God to be tuned to that. It is a wonderful permission slip to feel great and bring healing to every cell. Seeing the perfection of the cell is the healing. The Vertical Alignment Meditation is a meditation I do that brings in the earth energies up to the heart. I bring in celestial energies from the central sun and sky. It is a bit like being a tree, reaching up from earth and bringing in the sky energies. This balances the masculine, father sky energies with the feminine, Mother Earth energies. They mix in the heart. You can do this. I offer you a detailed explanation, written by my friend Arian. Vertical Alignment Meditation -I/(we) now extend my/(our) prana tube below into the Earth Star chakra just below your feet and as far as it is needful to go fully anchoring where it stops(you should feel a sensation of it connecting) -I/(we) now invite Mother Earth (feminine energy) to send up your Love to anchor completely into my/(our) Heart Center/High Heart (you should feel a sensation in the Chest/Heart Center area when it anchors in) (allow one minute for the energy to move up from Mother Earth into your Heart Center) -I/(we) now extend my/(our) prana tube above into the Soul Star chakra just above your head and as far as it is needful to go fully anchoring where it stops(you should feel a sensation of it connecting) -I/(we) now invite Father Source/Great Central Sun (masculine energy) to send down your Love to anchor completely into my(our) Heart Center/High Heart (you should feel a sensation in the Chest/Heart Center when it anchors in) (allow one minute for the energy to move down from Father Source/Great Central Sun into your Heart Center) - now you want to focus your attention and intention on Heart Center as you should begin to feel Balanced and Centered Immediately - breath in through your Earth Star chakra and into your Heart Center, and on out breath slowly allow the energy to move through your entire body (next breath switch to Soul Star) - breath in through your Soul Star chakra and into your Heart Center, and on out breath slowly allow the energy to move through your entire body (continue to alternate until you feel comfortable and then breath in through Soul Star and Earth Star at the same time on in breath and slowly allow the the energy to move through entire body on out breath) (this may be done any time there is any imbalance being felt or experienced) (sit with these energies for as long as you feel necessary) Your whole being can enjoy this meditation. This meditation with earth and sky energies mixing establishes your vertical alignment. It is useful for being a bridge between heaven and earth, and from this you can increase your spin which connects you to source. Ask for a column of white light to surround you and imagine a spin around you as if you were in a vortex. This connects you to your higher self and a higher frequency. The vertical Alignment Meditation and Heart Attunement Meditation are very powerful for your health, and as an everyday practice plus are also for your spiritual evolution. I do them often. You instantly feel better with greater frequencial spin and aligment, and more whole. Take this to every cell by calling for the vertical alignment of each cell. Every cell is a tiny little merkaba, a body of light. You are a body of light made of smaller bodies of light. YOu are light, you are love and you are energy not physical stuff, really or physical and energy too if you want to see it that way. How about a Short Protocol for Healthy Cells? If you have an discord, pain, or need healing in a location of the body, ask for the perfection of those cells and that part of the whole body. Ask to bring your body into wholeness. You can use these to help you be health as an ongoing thing or as a special thing whenever you are even slightly out of balance. I am sure you can find your own affirmations and invocations to use. Here is what I might say in meditation if I were to make up something right now. Saying invocations aloud is powerful adding power to your intentions. For healing, how about you speak to your cells, you communicate with them? See them as sentient beings, as miniature Buddhas. You can command the perfection of your cells and see only that I AM a divine being of light. I AM perfection. I AM perfect in design. I now call for the cells within my _______ to come into perfect alignment and harmony. (feel this) I now attune the heart of every cell within me to the purest love possible. (feel this) I now attune the heart of every ceill within the ______ to the purest love possible, to perfect alignment and harmony.(feel this) I now call for the vertical alignment of every cell. (feel this) I now call for the vertical alignment of every cell within the ___________. (feel this) I affirm that I AM my divine blueprint. I affirm that I AM perfecttion and that every cell is in perfection. I see my inherent perfection. I, as director of all my cells, organs and body systems, now command the perfection of all cells. I, as director of all the cells within me, command the perfection of all cells within my ______ into perfection, well-being and perfect alignment. I AM perfection. I AM perfect in design. Feel the assurance, the truth that underneath whatever you are temporarily experience there is the memory of complete health and harmony. I AM divine perfection. I AM radiance. I AM well-being. I AM health. Your divine blueprint carries the memory of all of this and you can call in your divine blueprint to every cell. Then every organ, then your whole being. I AM whole. I AM perfection. I hope that this is helpful and let me know if you if you have questions. Of course, I would love to hear how it works for you and also other creative tools to help the cells of the body be healthy. Be sure to see more on this subject from yesterday's blog Every Little Cell found at Many blessings, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive
The title comes from a fun little song that I like called "Every Little Cell is Healthy and Well." What if your body has cells which make up the whole being that is you? YOu would agree with this, I suspect. What if the cells in body are "collectives" which we call muscles, skin, bones, organs, for the different groupings of cells. Those collectives have a certain frequency and consciousness. We can communicate with all consciousness as we are connected to all of creation. We can assume ourselves as the director of the cells and the collectives. We are like a god, which is a unified being of smaller parts, also called fractals, of life. We can be the director and see only the perfection of each cell of our body. We can command the cells and also the organs to be in perfection. It is affirming the perfection of ourselves. A friend shared how he never gets sick in decades, and I have started doing this too. Whenever I have a headache or any pain or discomfort, I do not dwell with it but simply command the cells to be in perfection as my original divine blueprint would have it. I had success yesterday in that I had burned my finger and it hurt for a couple of hours. I finally did this. The cells came alive and it temporarily hurt more and then stopped hurting within a couple of minutes. Healing had taken place at my command. You too can do this for the perfection, the recallibration and the healing of your cells. I like to think of each cell as a sacred Buddha within my being. What if we worked with the alignment of each cell, bringing in divine pure love? I will share how to callibrate, or should I say "cellibrate" your cells sometime soon. In the meantime, you are also a cell in a bigger body. The cell you are is a human being in the collective of a greater body of individuals on earth. See yourself as part of something bigger and feel the connection with that bigger body. I will speak more soon on where that thought is leading, and for me it is really exciting. In the meantime, enjoy the perfection that your cells be, and you too, as you are divine perfection. I am honored to be a reminder to you of this truth. Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive |