I was late getting out the monthly message for two reasons. One was due the hurricane here in Massachusetts. After the storm, I had the honor to help a crystal child come into the world. I was with my friend, his mother, who was in labor from October 31 to November 3rd. I am very grateful for his safe arrival. He is bringing a lot of joy to his family. Apologies..and here is the message for November which I hope you enjoy. What will this coming month of November be like? First, we want to speak of t October. Yes, it has been most challenging and transformative. We see you as hot taffy being stretched beyond the place of endurance that you thought you could be stretched. I see a flower of life expanding outward and being placed on the globe, over the globe, the grid and it is blue and pink and purple frequencies that make up the lines of the stretched grid from each heart to every other heart. You have created this beautiful grid with your heart emanation light. What has filled in in this trying month of October is the gridlines are more solid as lines between beings. You who read this are nodes of light; you lightworkers I speak to..each one of you. You are emanating light. You are transducers of love. You are sending photonic particles outward and it is expanding and spreading across the globe. I see humans as radio towers spreading light. The sacred 'flower of life' grid all over the earth, is connected to all living beings and there are connections beyond this earth, and this galaxy too. This past month has been about acknowledging your connection to one another and to source, and you see one another as source. You see how your actions effect the whole. You realize that the Mayan saying In' Lakesh is true for you as well. “I am another yourself” as all beings are you, a part of the whole. The only useful response to this stretching is to love..to love yourself and to love others. We are right here with you helping you put one foot in front of the other, angelic ones. You lightworkers carry angelic energy. We hold great compassion for you. We hold great compassion for all beings right now and always. Hurricane Sandy We hold all of those touched by the hurricane in our hearts as you do. We feel this big wave of compassion spreading the globe from hearts being touched. With each time you go into the space of love in yourself, your heart lets off waves that effect others. We did say it was light but it is also seen as a wave of energy, like the wave or ripple of a pond. Coherent hearts spread around the globe vibrating love effect everything. Of course your prayers helped lessen the storm, and support many beings that would otherwise have had a worse experience. You are seeing the power of prayer or light sending (whatever you want to call it) and the coming together with your collective energy. You saw more people open to compassion with this opportunity than fall into fear. Going into the space of love is not love for one other, like romantic love is, but it is a state of being you can cultivate in the moment and it all comes from within. The storm was an opportunity to stay in the heart despite the circumstances. This whole month was a storm to stay centered in. We see how that which you have held onto energetically that was weighing you down has been blown away. What is in store for us in November? More transformation is in the horizon. I see melting stretching taffy in swirling brilliant colors, a blending. I see more Oneness coming about this month. Oneness with your higher self and multidimensional aspects yet also with one another. The swirls in the taffy are many colored, with strands from everyone but swirl into one pattern like one of those large flat lollypops. The colors are separate and united, and each is a unique flavor and color yet all is blended together as diversity and uniqueness celebrated within the unity. I see change on the outside world and it will be big for November. Structures have big cracks. They are on the verge of breaking apart. Your heart coherence is needed to birth the new that is right underneath the crumbling old energy. Celebrate and have joy in the change happening around you and do not fear. Love is the antidote to fear. Nothing is more important than remembering the still center within. You will see change outside and the more you trust, the more you create inner peace as much as possible, the more you see it reflected outside of you. This is where the rubber meets the road as in where your practice comes to fruition. You need to stay in the vibration of love and connect to others. Really, put the dramas and differences aside now. Be in the space of love regardless of circumstances. You need to connect to the Oneness, to the aspects of the oneness which are each other. You need to strengthen the grid which is a symbolic web of connection and real highway for energy. If you doubt this, remember that we see less than 5% of what is really there with the visible spectrum. Your bodies continue to change. They are vibratory crystalline biomachines. They are upgrading so that your senses are expanding. You are expanding to receive transmission from your other selves as a multidimensional being. Have you needed extra sleep? You must be busy in dreamtime, traveling out of body to other places. Please take time out to honor your physical and emotional and collective transition. Please give yourself TLC (tender loving care) so that you can beam light to others from a place of abundance in which you have something to share instead of being depleted. Light is always available to receive upon the asking. You find ways to contribute in the moment to the collective. You contribute by being who you are, responding, and by being in joy. Your job is to feel good. Really. I am seeing how there is a beam of light that come to your crown chakra and into your body. You stand in that beam that is a pillar of light. Then your crystalline self receives and transduces and emanates that light like a receiving and sending antenna. I see how your heart being still is like a pond with regular perfect ripples in a circle all around it. The HeartMath Institute explains heart coherence like this: Heart coherence, marked by coherent, or smooth and balanced heart rhythms, is the optimal state for your heart, mind and emotions and all of the processes in your body, including cognitive, hormonal, digestive, respiratory and immune systems. Practicing heart coherence boost your energy and makes you more resilient to life's challenges, they say. The Fae'rea say that is the key for you in these times, and it is the key for the collective shift. Be in the heart. That is all you need to know for ascension. Thinking of a loved one, a dog or a baby or a lover or a son or daughter can get us in the space of heart coherence. We can read a book and feel the vibration of love on the pages. It is our vibratory frequency raising when we are in the heart. Gratitude and appreciation make us feel this way. Music that we love can make us feel it as well. The Fae'rea say be in the heart. They say send your heart light as pink energy to each person you know. For those you love and also for those you might be challenged to love. Open your heart and send heart energy to them anyway. It shifts them and it shifts you. It swirls us into the possibility of greater Oneness. When we lift each other up, we are lifted up. In addition, the Fae'rea want to share their sheer excitement. The feel like we are on the brink of that magical month of December 2012. Time is flying by and we are the still center of a fast moving spiral river of energy moving faster and faster. We are seeing rapid transformation right in front of our eyes with the world we knew yesterday is new again every day, more than ever before. Trust the flow, have faith, and be the frequency of love. Know you are deeply loved and supported by your angelic teams. Know we are all working together and from the view of energetic shift, it is massive and it is effective and it is happening, and we are beyond excited. Do you realize how no planet has ever done this? Do you realize that you are strong, amazing beings, the most powerful lightworkers ever in creation to gather and shift one of the densest places to the light in a very short time? Remember the bigger picture, the excitement and the potential, the reason you are here that you hold in your heart. Know you are uniquely important to the Universe. Know that you make a difference by existing and you are deeply loved. Know there are those who care about you and will help you if you ask, and there is a vast galactic family that has your back and is cheering you on. We the Fae'rea cheer you on with our enthusiasm and encouragement. We love you and we know that something big is afoot from the center of the universe to the center of you and your heart. You are the shift and together, we are the shift. Enjoy an exciting ride! Who are the Fae'rea? ~The Fae'rea are a playful collective of guides that have come through. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Thanks for reading! - Shannon Luminance River