This energy update is a response to from the Akashic Records asking about how the month of April will be for the wayshowers. In response, I see images which are decoded and multidimensional while words that I hear fly out of my fingers as I type. The first image is of a sheep jumping off a cloud. It reminds me of counting sheep when you cannot sleep. it is a metaphor for having crossed through a hazy period, the cloudy period which was March, being influenced by Pisces. As April progresses, clarity comes back, especially after the Sixteenth of the month. Mercury has just turned direct today on March 28. You will feel the momentum pick up and by midmonth, things will go normally like communications and electronics working. In Our Own Little Bubbles It is like we have been in our own private energy bubbles in which we came to understand ourselves better, including our patterns. Is anyone talking to themselves this past month? If so that is perfect. We are in communication with ourselves, our higher selves, our inner children, and our bodies. Have you noticed some difficulty communicating with others or others understanding you even if it seems like it should be simple? I have. It seems like we have been in our own little bubbles and we are coming out, finally. An image that arises to explain is that these bubbles are the higher dimensional bubbles floating like effervescence in a bubbly drink rising up to the top. We are like sparkling bubbles in a glass rising to the top and popping. When we pop, we have come up for air and we are merging with the Oneness of Source. Think "buoyancy" which is one quality the past month has had. We do have emotional times to navigate, and the bubbles get shaken up and overflow and pop. What if I keep going back to 3D and then to 5D again? I sense that this is common and most everyone is going through this to one degree or another, and it is part of the process. Stuff happens, stuff comes up, sometimes in interaction with others, and then we float up again. More master with more neutrality, observation, letting go and surrender is coming in for us in every situation. A trick is to observe ourselves and be in it, wherever we are. No self-judgment, only love. Then listen to our higher self, our still inner voice as what we need at any moment. It may not be what is on the to do list after all! It may be something else so listen and be sure to give yourself spaciousness and TLC (Tender Loving Care.) We have less capacity to fix other people's problems be cause we are so called with the to help ourselves now. The trick is to go back to our happiness bubble and we can do that by feeling it; feeling what it like and then we go there. We can talk to our higher self better than ever and it answers with feelings. What would feel good right now higher self? we really have to indulge our higher selves more than ever. It has been an exhausting month of upgrades but not "grueling" exhausting, but more "exhilarating" exhausting. As we go through this, there are emotions that come and go and we may have had ups and downs. Breathe, be in the now, ask what would feel good next. Sometimes we feel like we can't even know until we tune inward. That is why this mercury retrograde has been a huge gift for us to feel what we want and listen within. We have been forced to slow down in an accelerating world. Things are turning up accelerating, as frequencies are rising and that makes time crunch even more. But it will feel satisfying like we can move forward and flow into what wants to happen. Do you see how we are not planning so much as improvising these days? Do you see how nobody really knows what is going to happen? We are in for the ride, and in the moment we handle everything though it can be the unexpected. This month be prepared for the unexpected. Go with it, don't try to control it. Just allow what is to be and see how better opportunities are being presented. Breathe and choose what feels good. Go with contentment and satisfaction. Follow your heart. You cannot get it wrong. Don't think it out too much. Intuition, instinct and your heart are the guides. Everything else takes the back seat. In March you may have felt isolated and felt the intensity of the solar upgrades, the CME's and the Schumann Resonance spiking and becoming record-breaking with a high of 150. Our bodies, our emotions, our minds all feel it intensely. It may have left you more introspective and tired than usual. March may have brought emotional stuff up to deal with. Seeing an engine with a grain of sand in it and you take that grain of sand out, and then the engine runs fine. That is how finely tuned we are - we are so sensitive and we have to clear to stay in alignment. What needs to clear are our unconscious shadow emotions that are under the surface. They are coming up and we feel them and acknowledge them. Then vrooooom, the engines of our vehicles (aka human bodies) are up and running again. It is a metaphor, you see. What to expect in April? Expect the unexpected. You will regain communication flow. You will feel more on the ball and less in a floaty cloud that obscured reality outside of you, like last month. Yes, the upgrades will keep coming and they will challenge everyone. Yet there are more potentials for bliss and releasing our entire past and expectations. This act of surrender takes us to a new place of flow, of trust in the universe and in internal alignment with the external. That would be the theme for April to come- Internal and external alignment. I am seeing some gears within gears that remind me of Tzolkin calendars in the Mayan Long Count and how they interact like gears. The Tuns, K'atuns, and B'ak'tuns (cycles of time) work within each other. It is like the outer world aligns and reflects the inner world. That is why the peace through introversion and rest in March contributes to the outer and inner aligning. And if they are not, it like the grain of sand in our engine- it won't start up right or will sputter. We are called to be in alignment with ourselves and our universe and we have help. Remember that the inner world creates your outer world. The outer world is merely a mirror to what we have going on inside. Take time to be with yourself, to be contemplative. Remember a large serving of gratitude with everything. And forgive as soon as you can, like whenever you have a judgment. That way you are emotionally clearing before anything gets sticky and slows you down. We are in a new cycle within a larger cycle and I see us at the top of it coming around to a 12 O'clock place in the circle. The images come through in multidimensional metaphor, not in literal translation here. This points to an evolutionary Nexxus point, a time of shifting toward the light. It is a time of great time acceleration in which so much is happening and you can see events in your own life and the outer world unfolding. There is a way to deal with the rushing and trying to catch up and we may have tasted and practiced this in March. It is to slow and be in the moment and breathe and listen to what our heart wants. This may mean our everyday lives as we know them to fall apart and make room for something new and better. The other message that is so important is to pay attention and go toward what we want, not on fixing the broken or the obsolete. Let it go and go toward that which thrills you and excites your heart. Follow that and all is well. The world changes swiftly and the April we begin with will be different than the April we end with, but in way we won't notice because each day and each moment, as a multidimensional journey through time and space is so rich, so full that we are processing on the micro level all the time and don't notice the macro so much. We are making quantum leaps and our memory isn't storing and tracking it, but it is true on the level of ourselves as individuals and the collective. Do not fear change, but celebrated it and flow with it. This is a time of great change; have you noticed? All of you beautiful souls that you are being asked to surrender more fully to the higher plan as it becomes more visible all the time. Let yourself be guided by Creator and your higher self. Know you are loved and supported and meant to be here. May the world evolve toward more light and more love, and may all beings be happy. Prayers for Mother Earth and her air, waters and earth be returned to the Divine Blueprint. May you have a wonderful month in which you feel your heart, notice your quantum leaps, and be in the flow of the universe with great ease and so much grace. May we all be taken to a higher level vibrationally, and so it is! Shivrael Akashic Reader, BQH facilitator, Human Design Guide, and Thai Bodyworker in Mt. Shasta, CA Published March 28, 2019 for April. PS I would love to hear how you are doing and what you are seeing, and how March was for you (if you can remember, LOL.) We put our intel, the clues of the puzzle together and it starts to make more sense.