She Sings to the Stars : Quantum Dreaming Adventure Webinar Event
What the star energy offers us is their wisdom, their love, their creative intelligence, when we immerse ourselves in their energies. Tee Ming is a Conscious Dreaming Alchemist who transforms dream insights into inspired daily life solutions. Shivrael is passionate about Quantum Jumping, experiencing other realities and dimensions, accessing the Higher Self and multidimensionality.. With this webinar, we combine Conscious Dreaming with Quantum Jumping to be called Quantum Dreaming!
Through Conscious Dreaming, which is the synthesis of Active Imagination and Shamanic Lucid Dreaming processes, we can integrate the superconscious, conscious, subconscious and unconscious parts of self so that we become embodied divine humans, wielding our full creative capacities to fulfill our true heart’s desires.
Quantum Jumping takes us to our own knowing and unique experience within ourselves, with a journey that is right inside our own body and energy field. Quantum Jumping is a meditation and visualization method that can rapidly shift how you feel and your frequency. Doing Quantum Jumping is fun, and can allow you access your multidimensional imagination, the frequency of your starry self, and what your soul might want to tell you.
Conscious Dreaming and Quantum Jumping merge to bring you Quantum Dreaming Adventures, guided by Tee Ming and Shivrael. The specific energy of starlight that we will connect to are the Royal Stars: Aldebaran, Antares, Fomalhaute, and Regulus. Think of these as creating a cross representing the four directions, four elements, four archangels, and as guardians or gatekeepers.
We will connect via audio conferencing on Zoom, with the link below. It requires downloading the software and showing up. You sign in to the Zoom room with your name and email address. Have a mic attached if you might wish to speak, otherwise sit back and listen. Don't worry about video as it slows down the technology. We will have a text chat available in the conferencing room as well. You can use smartphones and Apple devices as well as computer which works best. You can even call in on a phone with a number and room code which will be below.
We extend a special invitation to our Divine Council and Blue Ray families, worldwide grid meditators and lightworkers and all others in resonance. We have been playing with Quantum Dreaming Adventures and would love to share our excitement...thank you for playing with us.
Topic: She Sings to the Stars (all genders welcome) Time: May 12, 2016 10:00 AM (GMT-7:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap: 16465588656,921129648# or 14086380968,921129648#
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 921 129 648 International numbers available here
I am teaching a course in Enhancing your Inner Guidance, online, beginning on 10/22/16. Check back for to find out more. Previous Class: Quantum Jumping and Mood Shifting Class, live in Mt.Shasta.
Stay tuned for meditations, opportunities for sessions, and workshops in Quantum Jumping as well as more information.