Akashic Readings and SessionsWhat is your soul's intention? Why are you here? If you are awakening, on a spiritual journey, or a person going through an awakening, Parts of you may long to be known, to be healed and to be integrated and by simply using intuition to discover more about who you are and your sacred journey.
You may have questions on aspects of your life and relationships, to your divine mission, to who you have been in past lives, what soul group you are from, and what star family you are from. See who you are as a soul, what you came here for, and what your gifts are. Maybe you have gifts from your past lives that you can call forth in this lifetime. You might have patterns that have shown up time and time again, all for your learning. Akashic Intuitive Readings help you cut through the hard stuff and go straight to understanding the lesson and reason so that you can then move on Maybe there is creative expression that wants to birth through you and you would like support in making that happen. Listening to the soul allows for transformation. Most people choose an interactive online reading on zoom or another platform. THose who come to Mt.Shasta, California can have an interactive in person reading at my office studio. I look forward to meeting you and going on the deep journey into your records. What is the Value of an Akashic Reading? Read a Blog on this...
Akashic MentoringDo you want to deepen your intuitive understanding or read the akashic records? Would you like to translate multidimensional information? My approach is through playfulness and imagination. It can be really fun. Meditation and inner journeys are key. I can offer structures and suggestions to help you open to knowing what your guidance is saying and learning about your records. You might be asking: How do you enter the records? How do you get a flow of information? How do you interpret it? It is one of my highest passions to help another being access their inner knowing! If your multidimensional intuitives gifts are coming on, I can assist you in honing and trusting what you are receiving.
Sessions are 1 hour to an hour and a half for $60 A few ideas of what we might do in your session (you don't have to decide beforehand, though): KNOW YOUR HIGHER SELF CLASS is an interaction over the phone or Skype. I share how to go into the heart, and how to access your higher self while you are there. The intention is to spur you onto the process of connecting with your higher self. AKASHIC JOURNEY is an interactive experience in which you and I travel into your akashic records together. It is fun, and yield lots of information about YOU. Most importantly, you learn the steps to enter the akashic records on your own. You learn how to receive and trust your guidance. |