What does the Akashic Library for November look like? This is a moment in time, in the greater cycles, a turning point or nexus point. We can all feel it. The Akashic records show an image of a circle of people all focusing on a tiny jewel on the ground in the center of the circle, representing oneness. It is the size of a rice kernel representing a seed, a seed for humanity focusing on a new path together. There is a feeling of being connected to everyone and everything, supporting life and living. We will be brought together in our hearts. We, humanity, are a many-faceted jewel. Honor the diversity, we all bring our gifts to the table.
What are the themes for the energy of November? Transparency You can't unsee what you have seen. In November, the truth comes out on how the world operates. Transparency means to be authentic and see through the surface of things. Trust your gut. Let intuition and you heart guide you. Transparency is a congruence between what is on the inside and also on the outside. Symphony of November Discordant notes sound like a crashing of symbols and harmonious notes create the symphony of November. This represents moments of emotion with moments of joy. I see a theme of sounds blending together as the basis of creation. The theme of unity is emphasized with the idea of being on the same team, team humanity. We are rooting for everyone to win the game. I hear the Sanskrit mantra that is “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.” The meaning of this mantra is “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” Be a Lighthouse As we enter this month, you are invited to be a lighthouse through whatever is coming. Spread the light. Be the calm, the inspiration, the light, the hope and faith. Be in pure presence, which means you don't always have to have a solution but you are invited to “be” by showing up. Show up for yourself and show up for one another. A the beginning of the month, it feels like we are waiting for impending change. In the middle of the month, it feels like gifts are coming including realizations. We see the light at the end of the tunnel. The old way of being will be bulldozed. You are reminded that safety is a frequency from within. Thank you for showing up. What will the energy feel like? A big open sky means expansiveness and a higher perspective of the bigger whole. Curtains opening indicates something new to see, so therefore new beginnings. Brain reconfiguration. Sweetness. With changes, the phrase “chop wood, carry water" arises. The bigger story changes while we go along with our individual lives, mindfully doing what supports our existence. Slowing Down and Inner Processing of Change Mercury retrograde occurs on November 25th, which is a good time to slow down; to integrate within the self all the world changes. What will the end of the month be like? We will feel like we have lost some baggage and some worries. We may feel the blessings land as if we are blessed beyond belief. Whatever we went through at the beginning of the month was hard, but worth it. What should those who wish to help others focus on? Take care of yourself, and your emotional balance. There will be people who are in shock, who are angry, so don't take it personally. Some will numb out and be quiet, so show up in presence to be of service. Find routines to help you be present in the moment with a reminder to “chop wood, carry water.” Show up, smile, and validate others and their feelings and experiences with kindness. It is all going to be worth it! See you on the other side. Shivrael AkashicIntuitive
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