What it presence? It is a state of awareness with what is happening, or not, holding space of awakeness and attention with omnipresence. Omnipresence is seeing the larger picture of what is happening and receiving it but not being attached to the comings and goings, the rising and falling of consciousness. It is being the “all is” as Shiva eternally sits in stillness and watches. Presence can be a feeling, a feeling of being connected and witnessing the all but not of any one thing and transcending the all yet being a part of the all. Nothing is separate from the all, and all is Shiva, all is consciousness whatever word you might choose to call it. Shiva is the all encompassing limitless one and as our human form starts to slip into that presence more and more, we taste the limitlessness possible, becoming more expanded to the greater creator view of the all.
Bring in the quality of silence to this mix. What if our vibration spoke instead of our words, or maybe louder than our words? That might be the change that is wished for, as vibration speaks and changes all that experience it. What if the words follow (are led from) the vibration of heart coherence, from feeling the high heart space. There is much value in being silent or refraining from so much speaking can be a practice to bring through more presence and the feeling of being consciousness, the limitless one. Spiritual practices are experiments to bring us to a higher level of awareness and a greater connection and embodiment of source. This takes us to union with divine, and divine expressing through us. Something can be learned from this and many other practices that are possible. Through presence and oneness, the quality of unity and oneness is felt on all levels. From this, the frequency of compassion is given birth to within, as one is the watcher of all rising and falling. All sad things and happy things, coming and going of within consciousness. The watcher in presence sees it all and feels compassion for all living beings going through the cycles of rising and falling. Bringing in witnessing, presence, silence, and compassion. Compassion springs from the heart. It is a by product of pure awareness and presence with the quality of emptiness which sees but does not attach. There is love, love for the all, and the desire to be of service. There is the desire to set all beings free from their suffering. There is a calling to step out of the little self to limitlessness. There is more resolve to persevere in one's own suffering and put it aside so that others may be free. It is becoming the all, becoming the everything and everyone. A feeling of being in a web of creation, connected to all forms of life, loving and protecting them. Within the heart is the connection to all living beings with our human embodiment as one being, yet we feel our vastness as all beings. What is shared is a personal experience, or explanation from one of many perspectives of experiencing consciousness. All perspectives are honored by creator source who feels everyone's perspective at once. We too can start to embody the perspectives of one another and other life forms, and also collective life forms such as trees. Then Shiva consciousness brings in the omnipresence, the awareness of the all at once. Unification happens first within, then it can happen with others.... Knowing oneself as all of creation helps this bring this unity among beings here to earth. May this be so, and may all beings be relieved of suffering, and may we find home. The path lies within our heart to remembering the light we are and that from which we arise from the ONE.
The Equinox is coming up, and it feels like big gateway in which I am seeing a magical doorway, to something special. I am taking this question into meditation to discover what this energy is about that we are coming upon. Everyone experiences energies and this shift we are going through in very different ways, so I am wondering how I can speak about it in a way that the variety of people and their possible unique experiences will be acknowledged. I bring that question in...as I have a belief that we are all consciousness experiencing itself through different eyes. We came to experience earth and ascension, this change in consciousness, in different ways. The Equinox feels very big. Now in meditation, I am here in this crystal cave representing the akash of old souls feeling how our vibration effects one another and how we are hearing each other's songs. I see clusters of crystals together. I also see lotus flowers which I am told represent our unfolding, our opening to source at the crown and that we are blooming in different stages but all blooming and opening none- the -less. This addresses how we are experiencing the same energy on earth with this Equinox yet experiencing it in different ways. My higher self/inner guides says: We don't tell you how it will be but more we tell you what the potentials are. I like that, potentials, and it feels like the highest and best potentials! The imagery of the akash is there, clusters of crystals representing soul clusters. The beings like you reading this are represented in these clusters are gleeful and filled with hope at what is to come. A new potential is getting much stronger which is to recognize soul family by their vibrational frequency. Toning Tuning and "At One Ment" I hear some important key words. Let me explain, and these are what we are doing now and have been doing getting ready for the Equinox Gateway, as was shown to me in meditation. Toning. Tuning. “At one ment” are the words For me "At one ment," means a combination of atonement and being at one. Let us take one word at a time. First, toning: This (in the current context of my imagination) is the practice of sounding our most magnificent tone in our vibration through how we live. Living the highest and most pure vibration, the one we truly are at a soul level. Being our highest self. We do this by following inner guidance which is our heart's calling, and by following inner highest excitement. We are “toning our song” through living the true authentic life as our free selves. Tuning is adjusting your frequency, or clearing the static in your energy field. It is noticing the subtle factors that take you out of the vortex. It is going into your own field without others involved and feeling your truth, and tuning to the bliss that you are. Being in your own aura on retreat, and it is like fine tuning your radio station. This is what we have been doing...radios are almost fully tuned. Now we come to “At one ment.” Be at one with yourself within yourself and you will be attuned to others. This time, the Equinox Gateway, is where the soul clusters of crystals are showing up meaning that the potential is there for finally finding more of those of a like frequency for friendship and co-creation and learning and exchanging keys and codes. Yes, indeed, you activate one another in your exchanges of speaking and communicating. It can be face-to-face or virtual. No wonder it is that we have the internet to allow this connecting to one another at this time. I am shown in meditation how keys and codes are exchanged through interaction and it brings soul aspects online with soul recognition of one another. Coming into “at one ment” and tuning or resonance with another of our soul family, also with Mother Earth and other living beings, helps our lotus flowers to open with spiritual maturity to bring us to our full resplendent blossoming and glory. Keys and codes means activation or awakening to our greater selves through interaction. More of this is coming! We are being inwardly guided by the electromagnetism of the heart with synchronicity that helps us find soul family for which to play! And soul family is defined as those in current resonance. Everyone is at a different wavelength and it is so satisfying to find those who are in a similar bandwidth as we understand one another. And we raise one another's frequencies. It is about interacting radio stations and fine tuning one another and ourselves, of course. I am so excited about this message about the potentials with soul family coming into view! What fun we have to look forward to! More information how time will potentially be different, and also about how manifestation happens came through. Tomorrow I will share about those things and more in another Equinox blog posted at my blog. The potentials look grand... and it is time to get ready to celebrate while we do our final inner tuning. OMMmmmmmmm Deep bows from heart to heart, Shannon We create with our beliefs, as in what you put out energetically and vibrationally is what you get back. For many, this time is giving us the opportunity to master how the inner creates the outer. It is fascinating how this works and to experience things show up fast, sometimes miscreations which are reminders to keep tweaking what thoughts and visions and feelings we are having. When you are in the heart's resonance, you create from love and without polarity (the good/bad dichotomy.) It is going beyond thoughts and words to feeling. The hologram of reality expands from you and your heart, electromagnetically creating what you experience. As we move more into our hearts, we have our minds work with them in harmony. It is like the mind and thought and all your plans and agendas are following in wake of your higher self/consciousness/ heart space instead of leading. We are attuned to the flow of the universe and co-creating energetically with the universe. The more you tune into the heart, the more what you see reflected back to you in your reality will be that which you prefer. In 3D we work hard, create with our minds, in a polarized world. In 5D, we create from our hearts resonance, from our thought in sync with that, and with sound too. Sound can speak or tone in sync with what we are creating yet creation springs from the now and from our state of being. Using inner vision, we see and this creates inner to the outer with the third eye chakra. And our crown is receiving a stream of energy connected to the universe that flows through as the field which we tap into and now express through our being. It is all about getting into a feeling and state of being, the state of being of unconditional love. Yesterday I spoke of how The Heart Math Institute teaches about how to have heart coherence (link). A simple way to start is by thinking of somebody that you love, or an animal you love. I saw something to bring this even further in my own meditation. What if you extend that love and caring that to all living beings? Extend that caring and love to all oceans, forests, plants and animals and humans on earth and the earth herself. What I am seeing is this interconnected web of light, the fabric of creation extending from us. We co-create connected to this energy and this energy is ourselves and what reflects the love we are back to us by providing everything we need as it does for animals and plants. In short, create in 5D by see it, sound it, and feel it. The seeing is in your inner vision, and the sounding is speaking or toning. The most important part is feeling it in your heart, and the "it" would be the state of being, that you would prefer, being in the state of unconditional love, and from there all things you want experience and heaven on earth come to exist springing forth from your energy stream. Let's make it millions who do this starting with us right here, right now; in this moment as that is all there is. Thanks and hat tip to Bill Ballard, for his excellent videos, which explain how we create in 5D versus 3D and what we are mastering by bringing our hearts in sync with our minds. I especially love this video which I shared the other day, but only posted the first paragraph of this blog and the video at the end, which I am reposting today but with the missing content in the middle. Thank you for visiting my blog and reading! ~Shannon Luminance River Finally the long awaited month of December is here. The Fae'rea are excited to express the color of energy for December. You have the triple portal date of 12-12-12. You have the new moon on the next day, 12/13, then the most auspicious day in more than 26,000 years, the 21st of December.
Then on the 22nd, the Return of the Divine Feminine Energy that has been less present for a long time, is coming back. Nourishing life, one another, shifting toward positive energy and light is the new theme. This is the dawn of a new era. The Mayans predicted this, and the Fae'rea have some insights. First they say that we must expect the most joyous outcome. We must expect a shift within us first, and without, in the world we inhabit. We must have our expectation for noticing the subtle positive signs of the shift and celebrating them. It is time to raise our voices together in celebration and awe at how we are witnessing the dawning of a new way of being on earth. Shed tears of joy and delight. It is upon us.Finally This November Lunar Eclipse washes us with light and we remember we are light. We share and spresd this in unity with our human soul family and those other living beings join us and the earth does in increasing our light quotient. It isn't holding light, it is spreading it and anchoring it and flowing with it, no it is flowing the light. Anchor and flow and seep yourself in light. We are divine conduits. Feel this in your body and don't resist, but completely allow the entrance of your true essence coming in. You may feel yourself not acting like a human so much any more. You are light, you are love, you are the grid, and you are the earth and each other. What else do the Fae'rea want to share? We share our delight, our appreciation for you. the whole multiverse salutes and honors you. You are greatly loved. Love is what you are made of, and what you express more of as this shift occurs. The whole month of December is this shift, where January is completion. January is coming out of the dark, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and wondering what happens and where are you and who are you now. December is something to savor and to celebrate. But it might be intense, as the energies have been intense lately. Oh they have! They will be intense for some and easy and joyful for others. Surrender and non-resistance to the light is all that is called for. Take time out of everyday life. You might want to do fewer of the things you traditionally do in December if you celebrate holidays as many do. This is a season out of seasons and a time out of time. Cut yourself slack and carve time to simply "be." Notice how so many things are happening all at once. Within this, is a spacious now expansive moment. Look for that in your life. Look for the space between and reside within it. All is well. You are doing great. You are greatly loved and supported and those who support you are your galactic future selves, your angels and guides from other realms. You are deeply supported. Rest and dwell in gratitude. Release responsibilities, and at the same time please relax and enjoy. This special time is going fast and you will want to savor it, every moment. You can do that if you make the space and feel the spaciousness within time. So the big day of 12-12-12 is coming, the triple portal day? It is a completion of a journey. It will feel like other special portal days have felt and like the final touch of your creation is done now. A big relief and release. Nobody needs to fear and should entertain any fear whatsoever. All is well and getting better. Let your eyes see what has changed and is changing. Let your body feel what has shifted. No more struggle, getting there, worrying. No more trying just doing and being in the flow. Your angels and archangels are already celebrating and lifing a glass. It is done. We did it. Together, and now we get to start to taste the fruits of our laboring, and give birth to the new earth that is being created in each moment. What about the big day of 12-21? I hear a callling over the mountains, a woo hooooo, with a celebration of angels, of sparkly energy and light. I see how hearts open and this is the beginning of the end of turning away from what we don't have the compassion to acknowledge. It is the taking in of one another into each other's heart. You can live in a new way now that wasn't possible before. It is all perspective. It is also subtle perception of the difference, and with that it snowballs and crystalizes into really showing you the new dawn. You see we mentioned that you chose the most joyous possibility. You do this by expecting a wonderful outcome, a wonderful ride as it is an every expanding thing don't you agree? Perhaps you have heard of timelines? You have heard this person say this will happen, with great authority. And many declare the truth about what will happen. Well the truth is nobody really knows, and that is because it is being created by YOU!It isn't created yet. It is the field of pure possibility. Call the timelines you hear about "storylines" or maybe even story tales. Some people have put thought into what they believe and see and yes for them it is likely to happen that way because they are invested in their truth. Be invested only in the parts of their realities that make your heart sing. What do you really want? What reality would you prefer? We are supposed to be creator gods now. Do creator gods look to authorities to tell them what is going to happen in their reality? No. They create and co-create what they want. And so it is. YOU make up the storyline. The storyline to believe in is the one you make up for yourself, from your highest joy and excitement. Fae'rea, some people are going through an emotional time, like a roller coaster, and having difficulties. We give you the idea of what may be happening. The left brain and the right brain are pulsing off and on before they integrate. There is a pulsing between the polarities of the egoic self wanting what it wants, and the expanded awakened self enjoying the ride, and experiencing joy and bliss and downloads. The cosmos is pulsing light into the crowns of your heads and it is encoded with information. You share this light with the earth. You are receiving and you are senders of light to other beings and to the earth. If you are feeling some moments, more enlightened and other moments as if life were challenging beyond belief, that is normal at this time. But hang in there dear ones! We are almost at the cosmic tipping point. All is in divine order, you just may not see it yet. It is there. We are almost there. The galactics are holding your hands. It is going to be easier soon. The whole multiverse is watching and cheering YOU on so keep breathing and putting one foot in front of the other, and asking for help when you need it and smile and know that you are on the home stretch. Connect to source "vertically" and not to the drama and people around you. It is all going to be okay.Let what comes up from somebody just roll off your back. Do not engage. Do not take it personally. We are being zapped by intense solar flares and photonic energy and neutrinos for our transformation. We all react or respond differently in different moments. Your calm stillness within assists everyone, and you and the Mother Earth. How about some TLC for you with some pampering? Take it easy, slow down, notice the magic. Notice the synchronicity. Be in the flow of surprises the universe has to offer up for you. Let things happen more and let planning take the back seat..how about spontaneous improvizing of life? What is the shift to the Divine Feminine about? It is already happening- do you feel it? It is about living from the heart in the space of unconditional love. It is about respecting and honoring all life. It is seeing all as interconnected and all as alive and with consciousness. WE are coming to see the world in a new way, from an intuition. We are moving into flow and away from time and structure. Welcome synchronicity with open arms. Welcome the letting go of the old ways. You wayshowers have the seeds of the new way flowering in your hearts and this shift is an opportunity to live fully in the new way as your true authentic multidimensional self. What is my multidimensional self? A simple way would be to say you are multitasking as different beings all at once while you have a higher self guiding all the "yous" that you are.Streams that are aspects of you come in in dream time and in meditation and in odd moments where you remember. You may look at a map of the Pleaidian star system and suddenly know which one is your star. Or you read a word and it comes to you that it is connected to you, like a past life. It is like the streams of you become more vivid on the map and show up in your regular life. Look for hints of your multidimensional self showing up now. See the map of you get filled in, and better yet, see the multidimensional map of you line up with the maps of others who are your soul family. You feeling yourself into being beyond the human and body and personality you have known. Good things are in store for us! Dip yourself into the river of flow! It is time for celebration, whether you do it with others or inside yourself. The 21st is a time for allowing the light to come into you and shift you and to anchor it into the earth. She is ascending. She has emotions and is doing emotional cleansing. That is why we see the volcanoes and earthquakes and storms and tsunamis. She is expressing her emotions in the moment as we are. What we do, she is also doing. We are holding space for her and us and all living beings. Something remarkable is happening. We go through this incredible transition predicted by the ancients. It is consciousness shifting and the potential is huge. Ride the wave of possibility and be in your heart while you dream of what you would like for all beings and the planet. Dream of the new planet and offer your gratitude for these moments. Be in the heart and be in gratitude. Savor it all. This is the shift of the ages in case you haven't heard. ~The Fae'rea are a collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles and all divine rays from the ONE, a blending. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Thanks for reading! Blessing and love and wishes for a wonderful 12/21. Shannon Luminance River Look for a new post from the Fae'rea at the end of December or Early January! Thank you. We each set intentions for our shared journey. My friend and I were doing our meditation journey together. It is a fun thing that we do to connect to inner guidance and to answer questions. It starts as a conversation that then takes us each into naturally altered states of being, which are deeper hypnotic states. We first set intentions for our journey. I was asking about what the other side of ascension looks and feels like, and we got some information. It was so exciting! I wanted to align with the most high vibrating timeline possible for me, and discover what is there waiting for each of us. Some of the things on my timeline were not what she wanted for her experience. The beauty is, we each get to choose what feels good for us! At the beginning of this journey, we discovered that in the fifth dimension (which I see as the new earth or the new multidimensional reality,) we learned that the difference between this reality and that one is that all that we do is a choice. For example, we can still have the experience of climbing up a mountain and working hard if we want. We can choose to go down a slide and have the thrill of that. All that you experience is a choice. You can choose a challenge if you want. In contrast, in this reality, we are kind of stuck with a lack of money or in situations we don't prefer like drama in relationships or whatever and we feel we don't have a choice. We have often felt, in this reality, that we didn't choose what is happening and the feeling of victim comes over us. We are tossed about and not in control, or so it feels like. As we go through this ascension process, we are definitely learning to feel that everything we do is a choice and we have the power to create reality. We know that all that is happening is to learn something and to move through. We are moving out of lessons and into pure joy of being, that I sense the next dimension offers us. It is the complete awareness that all lack is an illusion and everything we experience is our choice and not by chance. I see how meeting someone or having something crop up that is different than what we planned or expected is divine intention and for a reason, and special! The Smorgasbord We then had an image come up of a 5D restaurant; and it showed us offerings. The first offering that I saw was delicious dark chocolate. Maybe that is the yummiest thing I could think of... This felt like it has to do with enjoyment and pleasure, and even sensuality and free sexuality, and passionate expression. For me it felt good to taste this frequency! My friend wasn't so excited about that particular dish, but timelines and the experience we choose is completely customized to what we want and the message is that we get to choose it all! We were there at the all-you-can eat buffet of the 5D restaurant. She saw this three color ice cream. You know, the kind with strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate. They serve it at kid's birthday parties. Only this ice cream was invisible, but you could still taste it, however it was a surprise as to what flavor you were putting your spoon into since you couldn't see it. That was kind of fun to be surprised at the flavor you were tasting. It also brought forward the idea of being hybrids, who on the outside look like we are Caucasian and female or whatever appearance we have in this life, but on the inside are really multidimensional. We are really all races, as it feels true to us that we each have a starseed inheritance that is a mix of other star nations that seeded this planet with humans. It was a reminder to get used to the idea that inside we are a mix of 33 flavors or more, even though our container, or body vehicle looks a certain race and gender and age. It is illusion, the illusion of 3D. Ahh, I am getting that we know the truth of our many flavors, and that can include past and concurrent lives, and star heritage, and relationships with the whole. We get to find our soul family, and in fact we already have in many cases. We are seeing people and remembering where we know them from. I am loving how expansive it feels to be many flavors and express them, in life. In fact, our wholeness is about connecting to all the flavors of us, tasting them and expressing them in who we are in this lifetime. What else is on our 5D smorgasbord, and what do we choose to put on our plate? I saw a server who worked there, like the kind who makes a stir fry to your specs while you wait. Only she smiled, and it was served the instant you thought about it and desired it. How cool is that? It appears on your plate as you imagine it. We will manifest instantly when we are at the 5D restaurant at the end of the universe. Except it is right here, right now, about to open inside of each of us. When I said “Instant Manifestation,” my friend thought and shared that she heard “Man-feast.” That sounds yummy and I won't share the image that I saw- you will just have to imagine it yourself. *blush* I had a different idea come to mind at the same moment when I said “Instant Manifestation.” You know those Instant soup packets where you just add water? Well I saw Instant Manifestation packets, and you just add intention, and voila, make what you want at home. I am reminded how Starbucks has lots of flavors so you can make what you want at home pretty instantly. The server was a gorgeous blond woman. I knew she was Pleaidian. “Seeing an empty plate, I asked what else do they serve here?” The answer I got was “We don't serve any worry.” Oh wonderful, the fifth dimension doesn't have that frequency. My friend laughed at the idea of 50 restaurant locations all serving with worry-free ingredients. I like that, and I like knowing that other negative emotions are not on the smorgasbord, such as guilt. No fear is on the menu either. There was something to do with the lack of time as that is a 3D restaurant thing. I guess they have no clock on the wall in this new 5D restaurant, only a sign that says NOW. Now is where I want to be, always. How perfect! I noticed my body and everyone else's body looked shiny and sparkly with colors and something special. There was a lightness in everyone and everyone was filled with light. It came out of their pores. They also seemed to put sparkles on most of the dishes, like glitter or jimmmies that you sprinkle on cakes. I was told that this was from a shaker labeled "Magic." In this place, there was a feeling that all that we eat is for the pleasure of it! This was a huge- the 3D idea that we have to eat the right things for the right nutrients and for our health and body shape. This place, my friends, was for the pure pleasure of eating. Everything we choose is now for the joy of it! That feels like the most important thing, that we don't need to eat anything we don't want or because somebody else puts it on our plate or says we should, but because we want to eat. We want to experience life, and to have the pleasure of it. I invite you to go into meditation or should I say, your imagination within. I invite you to tap into your future self and see what is on your buffet and discover what you really look forward to in 5D. I just heard of a new term that I love, an occupation: Future Life Progressionist. Now, be your own Future Life Progressionist and remember what you wanted when you came here, and touch into where we are going. It is going to be amazing! Feel free to share what you find there! We are all creating this together, even if we each create what we individually want to experience. Everyone gets fed at the 5D cafe, and no money is needed. We have evolved beyond that to sharing all that we have, for the most joyful times ever. I hear our friends singing in the back...so I am going to go join them and tap into more of what is possible. Please feel free to share with what you see for 5D. I would love that! ~Shannon Luminance River Dolores Cannon does hypnotic past life regression. She has discovered a special group of people who don't have past lives on Earth. They have past lives in other dimensions and other planets. They have volunteered here on Earth to help raise the frequency.
One of her subjects had leukemia and she was regressed in front of a group and experienced healing through the experience. She went back to a time in which she described to her she says “The air is like living crystals that have been developed into little pieces. They're everywhere in the air.of the ground. They're in the air, I'm breathing them " "Oh, they are tiny, minute particles. It's a very beautiful place, like another dimension. I am so high up you can see things in manifest them, and project them to Earth. It's easy. It's my job. I am linked everything, but to manifest this, I can't talk to people. You know what I mean? Some things have to be learned. It's an intrusion really. Well, there really aren't any people here where I am. In place of people… Energy. You couldn't leave this." So there are no other people around you? I don't think I'm a person. I'm the shimmer actually now that you mention it, there are many beings I'm thinking of people? These are people. They are my colleagues there made of little proton things I have to go down. I have decided to go down and be one of those humans because we manifest. We all do… The shimmers. There are many of them then they come down because you created, you deliver it, you anchor it. We anchor it on to Earth. Why did you decide to come down if you're so happy here? The word duty comes to me. Because we all play our roles. We know our role. We all do. I'm coming down. Is that okay? It's not forced. It isn't like that. We meet, we know, we decide. It just is or will come down. Tell me what happens when you decide to come down. Well, Earth is very,okay very different. Where is the love? Upset I don't get it. It's also dense. We can't breathe the crystals. No there are no crystals there, are there? All of it is tucked away. It's harsh… And people are… I'll tell you something. You want to hear this? Down where I am here they do not believe in the shimmering if you speak about the shimmering your body gets ripped like this… Pulled from one end to another. Do not speak of the shimmering should do you know what they do to people here. (She started crying.) And they pull them apart. They do not realize what went into creating a physical body. They just destroy it and they have no link to the shimmering. I must find a place where they link. She goes on to describe the torture that a person experiences coming to earth and what it's like to have your body pulled apart by being here. When you come down you are in a physical body because you have to be. And then they do things to the body she says. The body is dense, heavy like lead. It's not comfortable, but you chose to enter the body so you could do a job. Is that correct? Yes, I forgot for a minute. It's the poor people on earth that have been cut off from this. It's so dense here with beer. Our job is to dissipate the fear and really connect them to the shimmering where they came from. And the possibilities vary because the shimmering can be lowered to be manifest. But it is not as easy as I thought. Because I've had no limitations, no, I didn't. They whisper it in the wind. It is whispered off, but she don't know, do you? So the question arises, how do we do it? How do I finish what I've come to do? How? I'm searching for an answer. Sometimes I feel what's the point? There's no good. Others have come from the shimmering they work its those those who forgot where they have come from. Their link, and their power, and their beauty. It's so heavy that you forget. Is there a way to help them remember? This is what I'm here for. I'm searching – I think I failed – to call down more shimmerings. Called out where shimmering so the energy is building. It is happening now… More like. And more recording that means more were called in. What about the ones who were already here on Earth? Are they able to do these things? (She means light workers) they are shimmering here as people.is I carry Do you mean they've all forgot? I think it's more me. I think I've forgotten. I would've hoped not, but yes, it's definitely me, because there are many others I can see now; many others doing their work. Many have forgotten. Many have not. I'm one of them and I feel I haven't come up to scratch. I haven't succeeded. In the woman goes on to say how she feels like she's failed and she has sorrow for not doing her job. She had forgotten, and this was causing pain in her body. I talk to it about returning the body to complete balance and harmony so she could do her job. Dolores worked with her to heal her leukemia and to get underneath the emotional reasons. The shimmering was not shimmering. Do you get what I mean? Yes she is actually here. And when she remembers the shimmerings. I think she will want to be here the physical problems have come from not wanting to be here anymore. This work is so important. And to have the intent of the shimmering to bring heaven to earth. And how beautiful to know that when you get into bed at night with your work, you brought some of the shimmering… Heaven to earth. We ask you double quotes what better job satisfaction could there be? For every person you heal the earth lightens. We thank you for your work. We send the shimmers to you. We thank you. We honor you. ___________________________________________________________________________________ This is the end of the account from The Three Waves of Volunteers and to Earth New Earth. This passage near the beginning of the book has really touched me space deeply. I think so many Star seeds of light workers can relate to remember a that they come from somewhere else. In fact, this and many other accounts from Dolores Cannon, illustrate that we come from someplace that is not Earth. For me, sometimes I hear things read things or am in the company of somebody who activates me. Being activated is like feeling a vibration inside that says quotes truth. I felt it emotionally and strongly when this person spoke of the shimmering of the oneness from whence she came and felt the same longing for that oneness. It made the idea of oneness merging feeling compared to Earth 3D separated feeling so clear, and also it simplified spirituality. It took me beyond the need for spiritual masters or levels. There is the oneness and there is where we are and we want to go back to the garden, to bring the garden here to Earth- very simple! Another person describes this feeling as "%hat is the same feeling of being encompassed like it's all around me. Yet I'm free. I can get up and go anytime. I can be part of anything I don't feel rejected. It's excepting me, supporting or cradling me. I'm just part of it it sounds like you can just choose any form you want to be at experience it. (Yes) that's interesting. Do you feel you learn anything when you become these different objects? I feel just part of one, and that's a comfort to me that I am just accepted and loved and part of it. No digression between the two. No separation. Not a separateness, but it's distinctive difference in the feeling of being encompassed. When I am part of something, I learned to feel one with it in stead of separate." These accounts strongly brought me (Luminance River) back to that feeling of oneness love, of merging, of being in a collective and being totally loved and supported and in the company of your other selves that the stark contrast that I feel on Earth was apparent in the moment. I got something if you feel this you will understand that you may have come from a higher dimension a place where there is simply oneness that is.like Earth. Earth is a harsh place first Star seeds and light workers. Got our work cut out for us. The irony is, that we are here to bring through the feeling of the oneness, the unconditional love, the place from where we came from. We to that, even though we may not want to be here. We may find life on earth really difficult and you could see why if you tap into this feeling of what is possible and that is why we are here. We are here to bring the shimmering the higher frequency the oneness love the merging as a collective the union to this place. We are here to end struggle within and without. We are here to help every person on earth feel love and worthy. Somehow this makes it worthwhile. I in with the words that were in the book and I'm saying them to you in gratitude for your presence. For every person you heal the earth lightens. We thank you for your work. We send the shimmers to you. We thank you. We honor you. -Shannon Luminance River |