What is the energy for January 2025? The year begins with celebrations and fireworks. Fireworks can mean conflict or celebration, meaning a little of both. January starts with bold, fast-moving, whirlpools of energy that change the landscape of reality, wiping away the old. I see whirlpool energy as clearing a path forward. So many have started the year with positive expectations of good things to come for all of humanity, so keep holding that vision. The dove of peace grows bigger and stronger toward the end of the month.
The Akashic records speak in imagery, and an image appearing is that of throwing off a bear skin cloak representing the past year's feeling of heaviness. There is suddenly a feeling of electricity combined with lightness in the air. The time of bear hibernation is ending, and we know that spring is coming. We will interact more as the month progresses with a focus on community and the betterment of one another and the greater whole. Events in the collective will come fast and be powerful, maybe bringing surprises. Many have a sense that good things are coming to humanity. Many dream of what might be possible- so keep doing that, and hold the vision. As you come out of hibernation, there may be a feeling of exhilaration at a new life that you are creating taking form. Early this month may bring a feeling of wanting to clear the slate, get rid of stuff, and create a life of simplicity. It is from a primal sense to make space for the new, even if you don't know what it is or when it will come. What do you need to release in your life? The whirlpools of energy make for an unsettled feeling, making January a trust walk through the new landscape. What is the strongest energy of 2025? Transformation. The image is of shedding old skin in the human body with new cells replacing them. Regeneration is a miracle of the human body. It is a sign that whatever happens, you will recover from it. Acknowledge your body's ability to miraculously transform and regenerate. We will do that with emotions, thoughts, identities, our lives, work, and maybe our homes...expect change this year. What are some more January energy themes? Heart-based connections, compassion, mysteries, and surprises (both good and bad). The Akashic records show an image of cooking something new with old ingredients. This is because you can recreate yourself. After all, you have a new perspective. New possibilities emerge out of old patterns. I have heard that a possibility exists for a worldwide debt jubilee sometime soon. The Akashic records share that financial debt forgiveness is possible, but points to something greater. A debt jubilee between people can be massive forgiveness of others and the self. Forgiveness is a theme that may come up and also offer healing to your life. To you conscious beings reading this energy update.....hold the light, and hold the love during this time. You are making a difference by your mere presence. Wishing you a wonderful year to come, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive I offer individual and relationship readings, Akashic mentorship, and BQH hypnosis sessions for multidimensional past-life regression. Let me know if you would like to know more.
The Akashic records speak in images, to tell a story about the energy of December.
The first thing I see is a book that feels electric, appearing as blue light with a blue aura. I am uncertain what that means yet, so I put it aside. A new image, encapsulating December's energy, shows up which is tangled strings or wires. Tying up loose ends for this year is a big deal which is what we are doing. What does that look like? Imagine looking under the dash of a car and seeing lots of wires in different colors, tangled up and plugged into various places. Some of us are tracing wires, meaning the origin point of where we felt something back to where it is plugged in. That could be a metaphor for looking at old trauma to heal it. We can do this by finding the origin point of the feeling. Or we can do it simply by being present and feeling it; then letting go. The act of feeling an old emotion is like letting go of that wire once you acknowledge it. Tying up loose ends applies to practical life. What in life do you need to clean up or pay attention to? What are we having a hard time looking at in our lives? Paying attention to something is taking responsibility. Next year, 2025, has a different energy, and a radical new way of being. I was shown how each of our lives is being leveled up in a quantum way. We are preparing by tying up loose ends. First of all, what is distracting us? What keeps us from living our best life? Can we shift habits to drop that low-hanging fruit that no longer serves us? Maybe it is stuff in our home, it might be mental loads, or maybe it is putting our attention somewhere where we don't get much back. Maybe it is relationships. An affirmation can be "I am at peace with all my relations" to create more harmony. All my relations can refer to everyone. We are called to become more sovereign in everything. In relationships, we may be called to “stay in our lane” and focus on up-leveling our own lives, and as we do, everything else falls into place. The records show me areas of focus for sovereignty which are finances, relationships, emotional balance, and physical well-being. Sovereignty is taking responsibility for ourselves and with that our consciousness. I heard “Occupy Consciousness” with the meaning suggesting that we become responsible with where we put our attention. The current world is very distracting, especially with technology. Gadgets and media are taking a lot of our attention and sometimes we forget about the physical body or other aspects of life. AI will grow and become bigger in the coming year so addressing our relationship with it is important now. The message from the Akashic records was that if we focus on our heart intelligence, our physical health, financial health, relationship harmony, and emotional well-being; we can deal with the distraction of technology to what is important. When it goes quantum, we also make quantum leaps. And in fact, the energy right now is strong for many. Some may be feeling a lot of push inside yet a lack of focus. We may have temporarily forgotten how to “be” and want to “do.” A lot of thoughts are coming forth with an inner push to resolve them as the brain is being rewired. That is like looking for the end of the wire in a car to find where it plugs in. There may seem like an endless number of wires to figure out, which is overwhelming. You don't really have to figure it out but calm yourself and witness the thoughts so you feel less urgency. The urgency is not real but something akin to the energy of the moment. Your own experience may be different and unique, though. About these challenges, I ask the records to explain what is happening to us at this time. What is happening is that the mind is being rewired. We are about to take a quantum leap into 2025 and beyond. The Akashic records describe it as an evolutionary leap, from homo sapiens to homo luminous. What are the meanings of these words, in the context of the Akashic records? Homo sapiens means wise man, as in the modern human. Wise refers to the mental body, with a focus on using intelligence and logic to navigate reality. This is where we are at and moving toward a new way of being, the Homo Luminous way. Homo Luminous is the quantum expansion of our species. Luminous means light, so we come to understand ourselves beyond our minds as energy and spiritual beings. The mind is learning to become a servant of the heart, and both mind and heart work together. We expand to knowing ourselves as energy and as spiritual beings. Many are already there and more are shifting to this awareness. And that brings us back to the original image of the Akashic book which is electric and emanating blue light. The mind is figuring out a new way to be as a side effect of energetically being rewired. Therefore, there could be a calling to breathe, meditate, or self-calm. Maybe that is why there is an explosion of information about somatic bodily exercises being shared by many teachers. These practices like intentional breathing help us to integrate our mind body and spirit, and become the next generation of humans. I heard the word Homo Luminous in the Akashic records. Then I looked it up, finding this fabulous definition: Homo luminous is characterized by a quantum shift in consciousness to a more essential, perceptual state that is capable of dreaming a new world into being. The quantum shift in consciousness is happening now. We are tying up loose ends to make space for a quantum shift. How can we prepare for the quantum leap? Take responsibility for your life by becoming strong, empowered, and sovereign. Think outside the box and the mainstream as to what you are told about health and how the world operates. See beyond the surface of what you have been told- and your heart's intelligence is coming online to help you do just that. Do what physically and emotionally help you feel better so you spiral up. Make space in your life for the new. As the new year approaches, make space, and make life more simple. Anchor into taking back your power. When you take care of your physical body as guided by your intuition, you will benefit. In this way, you anchor onto earth as a physical and spiritual being made of energy. Get prepared for massive expansion of who you are, and as you shift the world mirrors you in making quantum leaps. Please take what resonates and leave the rest. Every person gets to decide how they experience reality as an individual. It isn't what the Akashic records, astrology, anyone, or anything else say, but your truth. You decide at any moment what your mood is, how you experience the energy, and what your interpretation of life is. This is sovereignty. A new world awaits us and all we have to do right now is tie up a few loose ends, so slow down and enjoy the journey with great inner reflection. Wishing you a wonderful December, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive What does the Akashic Library for November look like? This is a moment in time, in the greater cycles, a turning point or nexus point. We can all feel it. The Akashic records show an image of a circle of people all focusing on a tiny jewel on the ground in the center of the circle, representing oneness. It is the size of a rice kernel representing a seed, a seed for humanity focusing on a new path together. There is a feeling of being connected to everyone and everything, supporting life and living. We will be brought together in our hearts. We, humanity, are a many-faceted jewel. Honor the diversity, we all bring our gifts to the table.
What are the themes for the energy of November? Transparency You can't unsee what you have seen. In November, the truth comes out on how the world operates. Transparency means to be authentic and see through the surface of things. Trust your gut. Let intuition and you heart guide you. Transparency is a congruence between what is on the inside and also on the outside. Symphony of November Discordant notes sound like a crashing of symbols and harmonious notes create the symphony of November. This represents moments of emotion with moments of joy. I see a theme of sounds blending together as the basis of creation. The theme of unity is emphasized with the idea of being on the same team, team humanity. We are rooting for everyone to win the game. I hear the Sanskrit mantra that is “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.” The meaning of this mantra is “May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.” Be a Lighthouse As we enter this month, you are invited to be a lighthouse through whatever is coming. Spread the light. Be the calm, the inspiration, the light, the hope and faith. Be in pure presence, which means you don't always have to have a solution but you are invited to “be” by showing up. Show up for yourself and show up for one another. A the beginning of the month, it feels like we are waiting for impending change. In the middle of the month, it feels like gifts are coming including realizations. We see the light at the end of the tunnel. The old way of being will be bulldozed. You are reminded that safety is a frequency from within. Thank you for showing up. What will the energy feel like? A big open sky means expansiveness and a higher perspective of the bigger whole. Curtains opening indicates something new to see, so therefore new beginnings. Brain reconfiguration. Sweetness. With changes, the phrase “chop wood, carry water" arises. The bigger story changes while we go along with our individual lives, mindfully doing what supports our existence. Slowing Down and Inner Processing of Change Mercury retrograde occurs on November 25th, which is a good time to slow down; to integrate within the self all the world changes. What will the end of the month be like? We will feel like we have lost some baggage and some worries. We may feel the blessings land as if we are blessed beyond belief. Whatever we went through at the beginning of the month was hard, but worth it. What should those who wish to help others focus on? Take care of yourself, and your emotional balance. There will be people who are in shock, who are angry, so don't take it personally. Some will numb out and be quiet, so show up in presence to be of service. Find routines to help you be present in the moment with a reminder to “chop wood, carry water.” Show up, smile, and validate others and their feelings and experiences with kindness. It is all going to be worth it! See you on the other side. Shivrael AkashicIntuitive The energy update for October is late because the energy has been so intense for me. Can anyone relate? On this day 10/11, I feel ready to polish and share the update. What do the Akashic records have to say for the themes in October? First, I see abundance landing in the hands of the people, with an image of two hands together and blessings raining down upon them. The second theme is everyone's heightened appreciation for small things in life. I see how a benefit of the hurricanes is the capacity to open hearts
hearts which are breaking open in compassion. You see in all those helping one another- love in action. That is the true wealth, and it is the basis of the new paradigm, which is to be of service. The image that shows up is of an umbrella. It symbolizes how everything is connected by the spokes going toward the center. Think of the phrase “all under one umbrella” as representing the unification of the collective. We are all one, whether we went through a disaster, or not. Do you feel like you are part of the greater collective now? Now we are seeing everyday people as heroes, just because they show up to lend a helping hand. The umbrella symbolizes protection, as in holding umbrellas for one another. Many people visualized and prayed for the storm Milton to dissipate. We imagined a dome (umbrella of protection) over the state. We wish to place a big umbrella of protection over the whole human family, and over each person we love, especially those in potential danger. An umbrella is like an energetic force field of love keeping them and us safe. By the grace of God, the hurricane went from a Category 5 to a Category 2 or 3, offering a more gentle experience for those in Florida. They could still use help, as can others who were lost so much in fires and Helene. My heart goes out to everyone. The prayers for Milton to dissipate were powerful and widespread on social media. This shows how human collective consciousness can shift potential catastrophes. The potential exists to actually shift timelines to positive ones. We hold the power! Holding a higher vision of what is possible despite the circumstances, with prayer changes the reality, which then changes the future. I truly see it. The next theme is lightning strikes, metaphorically. This represents being shocked, creating wake-up calls, and realizing what is important when catastrophe hits. Sudden clarity for many as to what is important - people you love, the necessities of life, resilience when required, and the well-being of family and friends. Authenticity and getting real about what is important might be the experience many will have this month. What is getting real? With authenticity, there is a taking off of masks - our own and other's masks. The shock of the energy will make us see through the truth. Masks will be forced off of those who do not have the best interest of the greater good. The greater good of all is expressed by the umbrella image, which is the greater whole of the collective. The waking up and intensity bring a feeling of detachment, like seeing through the matrix and realizing that this is a simulation. The positive realization is that we can impact reality with our consciousness. The next image is of a trampoline. October has a bouncing up-and-down energy, with highs and lows. I am with you all in weathering the challenge of the energies. The next theme is the resilience of the human heart, which can break and heal again. With those going through ups and downs, please reach out and check in with others. Ask how they are doing. Bring compassion and love when you can. Kind and generous hearts will shine. Bring your self-love and self-care to get through this intense time. I see the “invisible hands of the divine” carrying people through, like lifting them from one place to another. These giant hands are divine intervention. The hands represent miracles, and miracles are available for every being. Faith deepens. What is the flavor of this month? The records show an image of a thick novel—lots of stories that are intertwined with one another. Everyone matters. The flavors are sweet, tart, and like a horrible-tasting medicine that will save your life. Drink the medicine of this month and you level up. Meet moments of stress and high emotion with presence and faith. You may taste despair about the world along with hope for the world. And remember to be grateful in those challenging times. There is so much to process you might need breaks and just be. What else will October bring? New ways of seeing and being. Disorientation may be felt at the exposure of the light on your eyes which feels like you are coming out of a cave. Acclimation to a different reality than you thought existed. The eclipse of October 2 began the month, bringing the "exposure of truth and light" energy. What does mid-month look like? Something big is coming.. shown by the image of the peak of a mountain mid-month. What has been happening for months is coming to a culmination soon. After this peak, the energy feels like a relief. What about the end of the month?: It will feel like a long and full month with so many events that you can't keep track. You may experience change that makes your head spin. It may seem like we have run a marathon as a human collective with different people taking turns leading the pack with others serving water to those on the race. We will see the light at the end of the tunnel, and the finish line, which is just a new beginning. Overall, the blessing of adversity is an up-leveling of humanity. With all my love and support Shivrael AkashicIntuitive What is an overarching theme for this month? The Akashic library for this month's energy is represented by small colored blocks with patterns. Blocks are falling downward into a chaotic pile. They then land in certain formations with different colors creating patterns together with other blocks. This indicates that there are blocks of information, also known as light "in-formation" or "light information" coming in. These are light code downloads that come through the sunbeams. The blocks represent a huge number of new light codes that hold information. The blocks shift and different colors are visible. As we receive these blocks of information, a greater understanding of the bigger picture becomes clear. Our intuitive senses are on fire this month!
Can you describe the energy right now as we enter September? I see the image of drops of water which increase as the month continues. What is the meaning of drops of water? Water brings cleansing and emotional energy, and is purifying and clearing. Water also conveys information as does light. Have you heard it said that water has memory? We receive the light, which flows within the water of our bodies, and our DNA. Water is life, and life force, and nourishment. Sunlight enters the containers of our bodies which hold multidimensional information down to the level of DNA. Sunlight and solar storms activate our ascension process or spiritual evolution. What energy are we moving into today, the new moon on September 2? The image is a dome, that is large but holds small groupings of the blocks into patterns spread out on a giant carpet. Putting the information into sections provides smaller pieces of the bigger puzzle. This could mean that the exploding, chaotic blocks become organized into smaller groups so we can understand the bigger picture. Know that each person has a few pieces of the grand puzzle and through interaction, we all come to a greater understanding. Next, is an image of connecting the dots, but the dots are stars, which make constellations. The image reminds me of a coloring book for children with dot-to-dot pictures. The impact of the planets and stars via astrology is emphasized here. How might astrology impact the bigger picture of what we might experience? Major transits are listed below, with the period of September 17 -23 looking like a potent time. That period might look like this: exposure of truth, with the harvest coming because the fruit is ripe. The light illuminates anything in the shadows that needs to be seen. Sep 1 – Pluto Rx enters Capricorn Sep 2 – New Moon in Virgo Sep 4 – Mars enters Cancer Sep 17/18 – Super Harvest Full Moon partial LUNAR Eclipse Sep 22 – Venus enters Scorpio Sep 22 – Autumn Equinox Back to the picture of the constellations- another message is that we are now becoming a higher-level galactic civilization. Disclosure energy is here, and many will have revelations and personal insights about the rest of the galaxy, including life beyond this realm. The image of the stars connects us all to something bigger, and so many can feel it What might the collective experience this month? I see many adults riding plastic Big Wheels which are usually ridden by toddlers. The image suggests that the human collective has so much room to grow, and the people are immature but about to grow up. Can you explain this image? Another way of saying it is that we, as a collective, are getting the training wheels off of our bikes. This indication of maturity can relate to the spiritual evolution and personal growth of the people. Meanwhile, the "collective of Earth" matures and grows so we humans can be included as a galactic civilization. A theme is independence and sovereignty. We will see how that plays out, which feels very exciting. What is another theme? I see an image of a bucket of murky water. When you leave a bucket of dirty water to sit, in time all becomes clearer. Leave it alone and the patterns emerge. Those things that might be upsetting, overwhelming, or confusing might need time that allows for a calm and clear perspective. What will help somebody go through September with the greatest ease and grace? The first thing is to set pure intentions for how you want to feel. This new moon, September 2 or soon after; is a wonderful time for prayers and intentions. My prayer is for the collective to experience ease and grace in September, and that all beings be safe and happy. The next thing is to have a quality of presence as much as possible. Presence is a calm state in which you respond instead of react to whatever arises. With each person you meet, you can enter the unified field with them simply by appreciating and honoring the state of presence within them. The presence in them is the presence in you, and you can rest in that place together. We consciously enter the unified field by being in a state of presence and by choosing from this moment onward to behave as if we are one with all life around us. Inspired by: The Presence Process, a book by Michael Brown The Big Wheel trike is traded in for a two-wheeler without any training wheels. The difference that makes it possible is presence. May we all meet presence with presence, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive Welcome to this Akashic energy update for August. The records offer up themes from what this period might feel like for you personally, and also what you might witness in the collective. The Akashic records communicate in imagery that translates to multidimensional metaphors.
First, we look at the Akashic library for the energy of August. I see a deep hole in the ground, a tunnel that is a narrow hallway and dark. As I move through it, it widens and becomes more light. The walls have paintings on them which remind me of the art by the Wingmakers. The end of the tunnel widens and opens, coming up to a big room and opening above ground, with lots of light. This represents the trajectory of this month moving towards more light. The auditory message is "Enjoy the beauty as you walk toward the light." Journey Toward the Light The journey can express that of the Great Awakening. There is so much light already, and that is from you- the light you express by being. The light is your kindness and care for others and yourself. Light is creativity as you express your authentic self through all that you do and all that you are. You bring sacred into everyday life. With that is a feeling of getting off the treadmill of life. Maybe you will change the vision of your work life toward your happiness. The beauty of being in service while doing what you love could be an intention to explore. Bring more of doing what you love into every day. What are the themes this month? Creating beauty. Enjoying beauty, maybe that of nature. Feeling grace and being grateful. Taking moments to breathe. Cleansing, purification, and releasing. Self-reflection. Facing wounds within and healing them by feeling them. Facing our Inner Emotional Healing What does "facing wounds" look like? The image is of mercurochrome being put on a boo-boo (injury). In my childhood, my mother used this stinging solution on cuts and scrapes and it was called mercurochrome. The image shows one applying healing to the self as if putting the solution on the skin. Yet your wounds are emotional in nature, and the cure is "mercury" which is the communication planet. It is going retrograde on August 4th and is already in its shadow. A decode for the message shows the importance of communicating how we feel. The retrograde period this month allows us to look back at ourselves and feel what is hurt. We can then go forward as we learn to communicate how we feel and what we need. All of it starts within, with a retrospective and reassessment of our emotional bodies. What themes do you see for the collective? Once again, change and transformation are key. A potential exists for more floods, fires, relocation, and migration. On a positive note, there is a possibility of more people standing together with their communities, finding common ground, wishing for a better world, thus creating unification within diversity. Light influxes continue to raise the vibration of humanity and bring the light quotient of individuals to unforeseen levels. The desire for more service to humanity may arise in the collective. There is a huge potential for support for a love-based reality. It is as if you are now seeing the foundation peeking through like the excavation of a building underground. It could mean that the structures on top of the foundations are knocked over so that the foundation is visible. That image represents the old structures that no longer serve the highest good, and they are crumbling. The crumbling contributes to the chaos we have been experiencing. You are invited to imagine the new paradigm and what is possible. This month, the foundations of the new paradigm become visible! In the past you may have felt them, the new world we are collectively creating. Yet this month, we may see them. How can we best get through this month with grace and ease? "Be in connection with Source." Slow down, provide self-care with acceptance of change. Have an open mind and open heart. Bring in discernment which means that you notice the actions and behaviors of others beyond what they say. Notice the energy behind the words spoken not just the words. Intentions are one thing and follow-through is another. Integrity is important, making words and actions congruent. All of this is relevant to you, and how you see your family and friends, and public figures. Because of Mercury going retrograde, be careful and clear in communication! You may need to recommunicate. You may need to ask somebody "Did you mean this? I heard this... " Be patient with others. Acknowledge misunderstanding and recommunicate to make it right. Text communication is a great way to create misunderstandings. You may be looking at details and redoing things you already finished so expect revisions. You and others might be asking "How can things be improved? How do we improve systems? You are invited to take a retrospective look at the past to move forward. It is a great time to receive inner clarity. Be willing to look at small details which make up the greater whole. Also, it is a good time for self-reflection. You may ask how you can improve interacting and communicating with others. Also, "how can you improve your quality of life?" The Deeper Meanings of Clouds and Lightning What is the final message? I see storm clouds and lightning for August's energy as a metaphor. Lightening in your life can mean that you get an epiphany that completely changes your outlook so that you let go in some way. Lightning can be a shamanic reset to a new era, or a new chapter. I have heard of how indigenous shamans in Peru have called in lightning to strike a person who has gone through intensive training. This provides a complete reset of their operating system. The energy at this time is like this- bringing sudden initiations and the beginning of new life chapters. Another meaning of lightning...could be a lightening of what is weighing you down. Are there things you are carrying that are not yours, or not necessary for you to be responsible for? Experiment with releasing possessions, habits, duties, and anything that weighs you down. Vision and create a new life for yourself. The lightning that comes, in a sudden flash, may be a gift. The gift is that you may feel lighter with whatever insight comes to you. See it as communication with Great Spirit. Lightning illuminates what was hidden in the dark. This may be part of the self-reflection and shadow work. Illumination might be going on in the darkness of the collective- and now coming to light. Lightning offers a collective reset, a positive change, as a storm harnesses the power to clear things. Recently, on July 26th, in the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar, we entered a new year with the tone or theme of Blue Rythmic Storm. The coming year clears away old energy and starts things fresh, and August has it, explained so beautifully below. Gillian MacBeth-Louthan speaks of the Blue Rythmic Storm year we just entered. Her words speak to me about the energy we are in. "...know that thunderous outbreaks and catharsis can be purifying; to wield your alchemical powers to be a lucid World-changer - a conscious catalyst for positive inner and outer change and renewal. The Rhythmic Tone of this Year advises: Assess the rhythms you live your life by. See how you can generate greater balance in your daily journey." I wish you a deep transformation that takes you to a higher level, with grace and joy upon your journey. Prayers for the collective as we all traverse this passageway from darkness to light. May all beings be illuminated, free, and happy, enjoying the beauty of life in the new paradigm based on love. From my heart to yours, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive.com What is the energy like this month?
Right now at the beginning of July, we are experiencing a ramping up of energy. There is a feeling of impending change just around the corner. Empaths and intuitive people feel apprehension about the unknown that is to come. Peaks The Akashic records speak in images. I see an image of a ramp going toward a peak. What does this mean? The meaning is that we are entering a time of "peak chaos." Simultaneously, we are also entering a peak of spiritual energies. The spiritual energies can feel peaceful and joyful and also overwhelming. The Bigger Picture is Beautiful What else can we expect? The landscape gets clearer. Imagine that you are at a vista point looking out at the landscape around you and below you. You can focus on what you don't like or see the overall view from the peak. From the bigger picture, all is beautiful and all is well. Take the long view that all is falling into place in your life and the greater whole. Trust the outcome. Who you are at the beginning of July will be different than who you are in the middle of August. How will that be? I see the lenses of the eyes have a cloudy film covering that gets removed. You will see yourself and the world around you more clearly at that time. Everything comes into focus. Sorting, Cleansing, Purging and Releasing The next image from the Akashic Library is of sorting. In the image, hands are throwing tablets (representing records of the past) into two different piles. You can see one pile as old 3D stuff and the other as what you wish to take to 5D. It is a time of letting go of old records, beliefs, stories, and emotional patterns; anything that is not serving you- let it go. The universe wants to release the past. Find yourself cleansing and purging, creating simplicity, a calmer mind, and a greater ability to be present in the now. A reminder is to place your bare feet on the Earth in nature, which restores the spirit. Allow yourself to slow down and reset to a calmer place, with less complexity. Experience and cultivate a more organic direct connection with Mother Earth. Your tools are prayer, meditation, contemplation, and gratitude while honoring the divine in all beings and nature. Meanwhile, there is a dynamic, fast-moving, energetic, combustible, energy of fire that purges the old. You might experience or witness heat and feel irritable. You may be challenged to stay grounded and calm on some days when the cosmic energies are strong. Spreading Light July's energy shows so many lit candles over a map of the USA and the other nations. Each person is holding a candle and they are connected with light. This indicates more awakening, more light than ever. It is as if the candle of one is passed on to another, friend to friend. The light activates one person to the next person with a new frequency and awareness of reality. A message is that our sight is getting clearer like rose-colored glasses are being removed. It is a time to see what is real under the surface. In this coming time, you may be able to face what you might not have allowed yourself to in the past. Facing reality might feel like “tough love from the universe.” What does that mean? You are called to step up from consuming and being a consumer. You are called to know yourself beyond a body, as a spiritual being. Question all that holds you back to shining your highest and greatest light in the world. Step into being a spiritual being beyond being a human being. The energies of compassion and caring are activated as you see the greater whole that you are (with everyone included.) There may be more chaos and craziness in the world. July may have more ups and downs emotionally unless you look within. Ride the wave with the energy of chaos with equanimity, on the vista peak witnessing and watching it all play out. "Be of the world but not in it" when feeling overwhelmed. Ask yourself, when sucked into some sort of drama--- “Is this for me?” Am I a witness or a character in the play? Return to witness consciousness, staying out of other people's business. How do we best navigate the energies of July? With a surfboard (laughter from Spirit, with a wink). What might that mean? To find your balance as you surf big waves of emotional energy that is not yours but in your field. Cool the heat, passion, intensity, and chaos of July with play and being in the water. Let yourself ride the best wave with perfect timing. The ideal timing comes from trusting your heart to know when to surf and ride, and when to let a wave pass by. Let yourself float over the top. The surface of the ocean has waves which can be seen as emotional upsets. You can choose to know that you are the entire ocean or you may identify with one ripple of emotion. If you do so, you may miss the wave that was meant for you. Let your body float over the waves of emotions, awaiting the perfect ride to shore. The next image is of picking fruit. Choose what is ripe, what is ready for harvest, and what appeals to you most. Find the sweetness in life. Consume (thoughts, emotions, news, food, substances) that nourish your physical and emotional bodies. The rose-colored glasses coming off forces you to look at yourself and your habits (and maybe addictions.) You are invited to love yourself enough to notice what is toxic and what is nourishing. Always choose what nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. Another way of seeing this idea- you are invited to pick fruit ripe for harvest, the most delicious available. This allows you to create a life by choosing the highest and best for yourself (which also benefits others.) In this fashion, you land on the highest timeline. You live as your highest potential self, igniting awareness in others, and finding your highest joy in the life that is meant for you. May it be so, Shivrael Akashic Intuitive What is the energy for June? The Akashic records speak in images. The first image is a hand flipping through file folders that are brown and wrinkled. The age of the folders points to something old, from the past. The ancients who were here before at the shift are here again. Their/your/our memories and activation are now coming online.
Remember your divinity, your greatness, your purpose, awakening. You are ambassadors of light bringing the frequencies of the stars. Ancient memories of unity- (Remember who you are.) What is next for the collective? I see the pages in the file go from yellow and aged to new and white and fresh. This month is transformation represented by brand new crisp akashic records, therefore they are being rewritten by us, for us, for new times. We become more aware of our old encoded aspects of who we really are, and go forward into experiencing newness. This month is a time of new beginnings. An especially potent day is June 6th being the New Moon in Gemini. On the New Moon, June 6, you can daydream about your highest potential life. Plant seed for the future. Also, you can imagine this for the collective as you feel goodness coming. Imagine it as if it were already here. I also see the burning of old records, which would be old stories and old emotional residue associated with them from our individual stories. As our old pages of Akashic records are burned, which could be spontaneously combusted or composted, the new story can begin. We are entering a huge chapter with a new beginning. What is the flavor of this new chapter? Sparkles of light that are silver and gold are coming off the page. Magical, abundant, sacred, and filled with light are the frequencies of the new chapter, and somehow it is connected to the essence of our ancient selves which have now come “online.” The abundance is represented in the 3d world as precious metals and also in the 5d world as a pure golden light. You are taken care of in both realities, and this time we are in is a bridge between the two. What are the themes of this month? Taking out the trash. Getting out of the box new ways of thinking and being. Letting go of more logic/ going towards intuition. Listening to the universe and divine for messages and confirmation via synchronicity. Breadcrumbs lead us to our highest potential life and timeline. There is no time. only now. Decoding downloads. Allowing diving timing- the necessity of patience Lots of good fortune yet not innerstanding what it all means yet. Can you explain the themes? Taking out the trash means letting go of our old stories, beliefs, and habits. They lock us into place and keep us in a defined box of who we are. The beginning of the month on June 6 offers a purging, a taking out of the trash. The old paradigm 3D files of who we are so we can have a clean slate for the new creation of our personal and collective realities. The value of forgiveness, surrender, and letting go allows the “taking out the trash.” Trash is merely distorted beliefs that we might hold onto because we weren't quite ready to release it. In the future, we may have replicators. Imagine a world where we can put anything we don't want in the machine, and the molecules are recycled to make what we do want. Imagine a world with everyone with their replicator, and how trash would become a valued commodity. Imagine how clean the beaches would become! A replicator, making food or some item we might need like clothing, out of trash is a metaphor for transformation. All of our stories and experiences can be let go of, and then transformed within to become treasures. Getting out of the Box The image is a flow chart with boxes in the diagram, and an if/then decision map. The flow chart is on paper, the old way that is more 2 dimensional. The new way, out of the box is multidimensional. It is through sourcing our higher self, our greater being that we intuitively grasp an understanding. The heart helps us decide which direction to go, making all the multidimensional intuitive information simple for our mind to just know. We welcome new ways of thinking, sensing through our whole body, in collaboration with the universe's guidance. There is so much under the surface that we have not been seeing. You can see Logic as a flat page with the boxes, representing binary thinking in an if/then flow chart. Life isn't really like that, though. Intuition is beyond that bringing in the holistic point of view that lands as an epiphany in the heart. Sometimes it is loud and pronounced, while other times intuition speaks in a whisper. Our increasing sensitivity at this time can be interpreted intuitively with the balance of logic, our mind that wants to protect us, in the background. As we make choices, we hear the feedback of the universe offering divine messages and confirmation. It comes as sudden knowing, signs, symbols, and synchronicity. The confirmation may be out of the corner of our eye in a subtle way or loud and clear. As we ask, it is given and gets louder as we pay attention. These breadcrumbs, the signs and messages, are leading us to our most joyful life and you might call it our highest timeline. Others are there living their highest potential life as we resonate in this frequency. Be Anchored in the Present Moment In June is a feeling of being here now beyond linear time. Time flows, a moment flows into another moment, beyond linearity. Some moments last a long time and other moments go by quickly. In the center is us, allowing time to move through your experience as we are anchored in the present. Heightened Intuition You might be experiencing downloads that you will gradually innerstand and decode your meaning for you. In June, allow divine timing for all you are desiring and looking forward to. Being in the now without expectations for the future makes it easier to be patient. A new level of optimism allows for patience. Good Fortune is Crystallizing for the Collective The final theme is “lots of good fortune yet not innerstanding what it all means yet.” The signs point in a positive direction, and you feel it but can't explain it. Things are beginning to gel into reality, but you can't quite put it into words. Be okay with this. Because this month has so much new energy and new beginnings is the reason where you feel the goodness coming. You can't see it fully crystallized yet. Overall, this month is dreamy, and introspective, while communicative with the energy of confidence. Your intuition is being upgraded and a feeling of good fortune that is beyond words, now coming your way. Expect deeper clarity and optimism as June gets underway. May it be so, for you and all beings. With luminous blessings, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive I ask the Akashic Records, which speaks in metaphor “What would you like to share about the energy for May?”
On this day of writing this Akashic energy update the message is that today is a "starlight portal of light" on 5/5. The next image is of a portal from the sky spilling light over the month of May on a calendar, each day light is increasing. Each day that passes, more people become aware of the blessing that began on May 1st. A theme is light: standing in your light, being the light, and merging with the light. The metaphor points to knowing yourself as a spiritual being beyond being a physical being, in a new expanded way. The Blessing of Abundance I see two hands holding gold liquid representing a liquidity event of abundance. Abundance can be money, it can be health, it can be friendships and relationships, it can be healthy foods, it can be whatever you are calling in for yourself, or feel a lack of, becoming more. May is bringing the awareness of a life aligned with ease and grace. What would you do if you could do what you truly loved and were passionate about? What is fun for you? What delights you and makes your heart sing? In between that delight and helping others by sharing your passion is a secret formula. The secret formula is living your dream life, your exalted life on the highest and most wonderful timeline. Ask yourself "What is possible and what do I wish to create?" You Have Just Been Born into a New World The next image is a person coming out of a long dark, muddy tunnel. It represents coming out of the birth canal. You are standing at the exit of the tunnel, covered in mud and shielding your eyes from the sun. You have now been released and are free. There is a feeling of joy that you made it and shock about what might be next. How will the gifts mentioned about abundance land for you? And when? The cage door is open with a massive migration of doves flying out. The ones who feel this emancipation will find their way first – the pioneers. Later, they may go back and show the other doves that the door is open, how to fly out of the matrix, and that it is safe out there! You are the scouts of new territory, kind of the opposite of canaries in a coal mine. You are white doves in the new vibrational reality that is just being born. A shift has happened, the image is of a pond with stars reflected. This is a representation of Earth joining the galactic civilizations of higher consciousness. Another image shows liquid gold being poured into shapes in a mold. The shapes are beautiful, like candy but golden liquid is being poured into to make ingots. The mold is the mold of your unique blueprint. The light is the light of the Source. You plus the light from the Source pours yourself into future creations that you gift to others from your unique essence. Your pure love and light are a gift, and your existence is a gift. Some doves will be way-showers who know the cage door is open, that humanity is emancipated, free, and sovereign. Others will sit within the light coming in while they close their eyes and dream of what is possible. What would a world based on love look like? What wants to be born in this new vibrational reality? How might you experience this month on a human level? More heart-opening, miracles, and surprise news (mostly good). It is more a feeling of happiness within and of the heart being open and full of love. It is a feeling that something good is about to happen but it hasn't happened yet. The mind can quiet, let go of old stories, and be more in the present. In this embodied state of pure presence, it may feel like a quiet peace that is new. The state of quiet can feel empty, even like the void. Somehow the energy shift has helped to offer more emotional alignment to those on that wavelength. May offers new hope and is a time of individual and collective dreaming up what might be possible. We have only just begun, and the energetic landscape is amorphous. What might we see in the outer world? Don't pay attention to what is upsetting to you, negative or news. Pay attention to what could be and you will be among those who feel the positive shift in energy. The fabric of reality is different. I see how your light has created this tipping point, and the shift of light has become contagious. What does it look like by the end of the month? There will be more awake and aware people. The way that image appears is people standing in lines doing some sort of movement while passing on the messages that speak to one another's soul. We are passing on the message that "We are free" to one another, and as it lands in someone's heart, they embody the message. They in turn become more light with a luminous smile on their face. That smile is encoded and passes on the message to the next person who needs to hear it and feel the hope and truth of freedom being here, right now. Live as if freedom is here right now. Live in the light of the truth of your being. Live as if the dream life is already here. With love, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive What is the energy of this month? The image of rain represents what the Akashic library looks like for this month. Each raindrop is a different reality, a quantum world unto itself. It is a little like the energy of Whoville in the children's book and movie Horton Hears a Who. The raindrop is also like the epic macro photography of a blossom within a raindrop. The library shows various quantum realities we might experience, and each one is unique. What is the message of this image? We have so many millions of quantum realities to choose from, to select, as our life experience. We have choice and free will, and we can navigate to the preferred quantum reality or the world we like by managing our emotions. Our emotions are what make the quantum reality experience for us. Water means the emotional state, which is the environment of a quantum droplet of water. What else does this image suggest for our coming experience this month? Take the bigger view and know there are multiple quantum realities. You are not stuck in any one of them and can change raindrops at any time. I see an image of a child seated with their eyes closed. They are imagining something different and something that makes them feel good inside. It is as easy as that- be the little child and imagine what you want to experience. What other themes are we going to see in April? The energy we are in is hugely transformational. It might feel as if change wants to take place. We may hold on a bit because we don't know what will be on the other side of the current experience. It might feel like our house (representing us) is being remodeled. That can feel like our identity is shifting to becoming a different person, and we aren't yet who that new self will look and feel like. We might be experimenting, trying to figure it out. Meanwhile, the outer world is changing even more and as it does, there may be a holding on of the old because we walk in the unknown. Yes, that is a theme: Learning to walk in the unknown. I see a person in a dark tunnel needing a lantern to light the way to see or forecast the future of their own life. They realize that they don't need a lantern (representing something outside themselves) to see. The person realizes that they are the light that shows the way ahead and that the light within is lit by the inner light of trust as they walk forward into the unknown. Feelings as if we were being remodeled may be felt until we get through the big eclipse on April 8. That is the portal day out of the eclipse passageway which began on March 25th with the first eclipse. That day feels like we individually step into the light, a higher, more resonant timeline. Some of the collective is seen as doing the same. Some are coming out of a dark tunnel into very strong sunlight that is shining into their eyes and blinding them. There is a collective pause of being momentarily blinded and then getting used to the new landscape. A few might try to run back into the dark tunnel because it is familiar. Breathe and allow change, and allow the new landscape of your life to emerge and become clear. Speaking of clarity, the date of April 11 holds a special astrological conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. You might have epiphanies that day, so take some time to tune inward and pay attention. Inspiration can arise and you might get clear on who you have become. The being that you were on March 25th might be different than who you are now. The conjunction is called a cazimi. Lots of ideas and easier communication are possible on this day. Since we are in Mercury retrograde, it might be useful to write down what you are thinking and feeling. What else do the Akashic records want to share? Keeping a sense of humor is very important as you look at yourself and the world in a detached fashion. Meanwhile, so much change is going on, don't try to make too much sense of it yet but merely flow with it and laugh. The outer spin is fast, the changes we have been waiting for are coming, yet it might look like chaos. A part of you might want to hold onto the old because it is familiar and comfortable. I am being shown that it is a little like holding onto a beam from a house in a tornado, like in the Wizard of Oz movie. Holding onto a beam from a house isn't that helpful at all but it might make you feel secure. What might help you feel secure are your self-care and spiritual practices. April is a month of introspection and then learning from within. Remember you are dreaming or that it is a movie as you are a human experiencing being aware and conscious. That brings us back to thousands of tiny personal quantum realities (your world )to choose as if they were raindrop universes. A calm state of being witnessing brings you to the perfect experience, the highest timeline for you. The raindrop is mirroring the world of you to the outside world, which is a message of how your emotional state (represented by water) can profoundly impact your experience. Wishing the most wonderful quantum reality Shivrael If you are interested in having your Akashic records read by me or Akashic mentoring, let me know. I am including this wonderful song by Neda Boin wiht Mike Love - Remember You're Dreaming as inspiration! Enjoy. |